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Despatch re the opening of Japanese ports, 23 Dec. 1854

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Parkes 34/1

Scope and Contents

'Despatch from Rear-Admiral Sir James Stirling Respecting Convention for Opening certain Ports in Japan to British Ships', printed for the use of the Foreign Office. The despatch includes related enclosures, including correspondence between Stirling and the Governor of Nagasaki, and a 'Diary of Events, Visits, Conferences, and Communications for the whole period of the Negotiation in Respect of the Convention entered into by Rear-Admiral Sir James Stirling, Commander-in-chief, with the Governor and the Inspector of Nagasaki, on the 14th October, 1854, for Opening certain Ports in Japan to British Ships. Kept by Captain M[ark] J[ohn] Currie, R.N., in pursuance of directions from the Commander-in-chief'.


  • Creation: 23 Dec. 1854


Conditions Governing Access

From the Fonds:

Any person wishing to consult the collection must obtain written permission from Matheson and Co. Ltd. Applicants may submit their request an application form which is available from the Manuscripts Reading Room and via the University Library web pages at They should state specifically on the form that they desire access to the Parkes Papers.


25 folio(s) (25 folios (sewn together))

Language of Materials



Parkes 34/1 contains material published in 'Convention between Her Majesty and the Emperor of Japan. Signed at Nagasaki, in the English and Japanese Languages, October 14, 1854' (London, 1856) (Command Paper-Accounts and Papers, 2014), and 'Correspondence Respecting the Late Negotiation with Japan' (London, 1856) (Command Paper-Accounts and Papers, 2077).

Repository Details

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