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Journal, 7 Apr. 1933-4 Sep. 1935 (with later annotations from 1967)

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9852/1/37

Scope and Contents

The volume is a ruled notebook and mostly comprises diary entries.

It also includes:

- a frontispiece constructed from various cuttings and reading 'The Original Weekly Journal; With fresh Advices, Foreign and Domestick; Life; The Road to Ruin by Sassoon; Opinions; Secret Self': /2r.

- copies of correspondence: /17v-18r. From Sassoon to Stephen Tennant re their relationship and requesting a response to his letters; /91v-92r. Between Sassoon and Stephen...

- a list of social engagements and locations of nights spent away from home: /2v; /138r (including a retrospective note [dated April 1967] assessing the reasons for the failure of his marriage to Hester).

- pasted in press cuttings: /3r. re the weather, used as a page heading; /21r. re [Hermann] Göring's visit to Prince Philip of Hesse; /82v. An account of seeing shooting stars in Northern Ireland; /92v. Announcement of the marriage of Hester Gatty and Sassoon.

- a sheet for 28 September 1933 from a sheet per day calendar printed with a Sassoon's verse 'I love all things that pass': /77r.

N.B. Enclosures are to be found in a separate envelope. The foliation is the archivist's.

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  • Creation: 7 Apr. 1933-4 Sep. 1935 (with later annotations from 1967)


Conditions Governing Access

From the Series:

The First World War journals and some post-war journals (MSS Add.9852/1/4-25 and 32) are unavailable for consultation due to their poor physical condition. Digital copies of these items are provided in the Sassoon Journals section of the Cambridge Digital Library, The other journals are available for consultation.


1 collection (1 volume (cloth-backed green boards, 138 ff.); 1 envelope paper; photograph)

Language of Materials


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