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Pleas and gaol delivery before John Spurling and others at Ely, 18 Mar. 42 Eliz. [1600]

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS EDR/E1/8/3

Scope and Contents

Membrane 1r.: Pleas and gaol delivery before Spurling and others. Preamble: writ of assizes; gaol delivery commission.

  1. 1r. Hester [Esther] More of Downham, spinster, is indicted that on 1 Jan. 1600 she feloniously stole, took and carried away two pounds of hemp tare to the value of six pence, a linen sheet to the value of four pence and a pillow to the value of two pence from Margaret Muswyll at Downham. Not guilty.
  2. 1r. John Dunn of Ely, [occupation not stated], is indicted that on 15 Oct. 1599 he feloniously took and carried away two gold rings to the value of ten shillings from Thomas Jones at Ely. Not guilty.
  3. 1v. William Bennett of Wisbech, labourer, is indicted that on 20 Sept. 1599 he feloniously stole, took and carried away a trunk to the value of two shillings with the fish stored in it from Edward Dryver at Wisbech and on the same day he took and carried away fish from Henry Johnson and William [Farrer] worth four pence. Guilty; allowed benefit of clergy.
  4. 1v. John Ayres of Ely, labourer, is indicted that on 10 Jan. 1600 he feloniously stole, took and carried away six pewter dishes to the value of two shillings and a towel to the value of four pence from John Hudson. Guilty; to be hanged.
  5. 1v. John Hunt of Chatteris, labourer, is indicted that on 26 Oct. 1599 he feloniously stole, took and carried away six hemp sheaves to the value of ten pence from Benedict Cooper, Robert Hawkyns and Thomas Reynolds. Confessed; to be whipped.
  6. 1v. Thomasina [Tamsin] Bugg of Ely, spinster, John Flannders of Ely, labourer, Bridget Catlyn of Littleport, spinster, Elizabeth Teppyn of Littleport, spinster, Robert Thorneton of Littleport, yeoman, John Mason of Wisbech, labourer, Agnes Spede of Ely, spinster, [?] Musgrave of Wisbech, tailor, and Roger Dawson of Streatham, labourer, and Anne, his wife, are freed and acquitted.
  7. 2r. Robert Merrill of Coveney, labourer, is bound to answer William March, gentleman, in a plea of debt. John Merrell of Witcham, yeoman, and William Merrill of Sutton, basket maker, act as surety.
  8. 2r. Robert Merrill of Coveney, labourer, is bound to answer William March, gentleman, in a plea of debt. John Merrell of Witcham, yeoman, and William Merrill of Sutton, basket maker, act as surety.
  9. 2r. William Denny of [?St Ives], Huntingdonshire, chapman, is bound to answer Mark Fyer in a plea of debt. Thomas Saunders of Wilburton acts as surety.
  10. 2r. Richard Smyth of Ely, yeoman, is bound to answer William March, gentleman, in a plea of debt. George Aspland of Downham, husbandman, and Daniel Large of Ely, glover, act as surety.
  11. 2r. Robert Pexton of Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, tailor, is bound to answer Henry Bright in a plea of debt. Michael Hall of Littleport, gentleman, and Richard Stymeon of Soham, yeoman, act as surety.
  12. 2r. Robert Bert of Wilburton, yeoman, is summoned to answer Thomas Steward, gentleman, in an action of debt of 200 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 27 June 1597 at Wilburton. The bond is recited. Bert fined; to pay damages.
  13. 2v. Robert Mathew of Elm, gentleman, is summoned to answer Margaret Cooper in an action of debt of 40 shillings which he borrowed from her on 1 Oct. 1593 at Wisbech. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  14. 2v. Thomas Cownton of Wisbech, fishmonger, is summoned to answer John Cresey in an action of debt of 30 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 11 Jan. 1599 at Wisbech. To proceed to jury trial.
  15. 2v. Richard Smyth of Chettisham, yeoman, is summoned to answer William March junior, gentleman, in an action of debt of 40 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 6 Apr. 1597 at Ely. Smyth arrested; to pay damages.
  16. 3r. Robert Rivers, [place of abode and occupation not stated], answered [?Bestnes] Betts, gentleman, in an action of trespass on the case and breach of promise relating to 15 cart-loads of stone, 6 Oct. 1597 at Chatteris. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  17. 3r. Thomas Male of Sutton, weaver, answered Edward Saunderson in an action of trespass on the case and breach of promise relating to a debt of 12 pounds and a bond of obligation, 10 June 1581 at Ely. Male arrested; to pay damages.
  18. 3v. Margaret Cooper of Wisbech, widow, answered Robert Mathew, gentleman, in an action of trespass on the case and breach of promise relating to an earlier writ of widow’s endower, 15 Jan. 1599 at Wisbech. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  19. 3v. John Fawkner of Whittlesey, husbandman, answered Christopher Bennett in an action of trespass on the case relating to a sum of 100 shillings borrowed from Margaret Searle, widow, on 10 Dec. 1597 at Whittlesey. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  20. 4r. Robert Harris of Haddenham, husbandman, answered Edward Phipers in an action of trespass on the case relating to 11 spars [rafters] worth 16 shillings and another piece of timber worth four shillings, and a ladder worth ten shillings. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial, 1 Mar. 1598 at Haddenham.
  21. 4r. Edward Jarvis of Haddenham, husbandman, answered Edward Phipers in an action of trespass on the case relating to the exchange of five pounds, 1 Nov. 1599 at Haddenham. Phipers fined for bring a false claim; Jarvis acquitted.
  22. 4v. Simon Heyward of Downham, yeoman, answered Nicholas Bugg in an action of trespass that on 9 Oct. 1599 he took and led away a horse and two mares from Bugg at Downham. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  23. 4v. Edmund Humfry of Ely, yeoman, is summoned to answer Nicholas Bugg in an action of debt relating to a horse and a grey mare worth 100 shillings, formerly in the possession of Bugg, 20 Oct. 1599 at Coveney. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  24. 4v. John Stanly and Thomas Wyllems, [place of abode and occupation not stated], answered Thomas Wolben in an action of trespass that on 29 July 1599 he entered Wolben’s close at a place called Osdelph in Haddenham and took away ten cart-loads of fodder to the value of four pounds. Stanly pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  25. 5r. Richard Fox of Haddenham, husbandman, answered Henry Stele in an action of trespass and ejection that on 31 Dec. 1599 he ejected Stele from a messuage with appurtenances called Rustons in Haddenham which William Sacmmell and Mary, his wife, had leased to Stele for a term which had not yet expired. Fox arrested; to pay damages.
  26. 5r. Robert Harris of Haddenham, husbandman, answered Edward Phipers in an action of trespass that on 1 June 1599 he took and drove a horse from Phipers at Haddenham. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  27. 5r. Thomas Shepard, Stephen Shepard, William Walsam and Thomas Walsam, [places of abode and occupations not stated], answered Ralph Shepard in an action of trespass that on 20 Sept. 1599 they entered the close of Ralph Shepard called Wysemonthe in Doddington, trampled the grass growing there with their feet and took down his stakes. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  28. 5v. John Fryer of Ely, husbandman, and administrator of the goods and chattels of John Fryer senior, deceased, answered Rowella [?Dursiter] in an action of debt of 16 pounds, 30 shillings and four pence according to a bond of obligation agreed by Fryer senior, 1 Oct. 1589 at Ely. Fryer fined; to pay damages.
  29. 5v. John Cole of Wisbech, yeoman, is summoned to answer John Wright in an action of debt of 20 pounds according to a bond of obligation of 3 Nov. 1593 at Wisbech. Cole fined; to pay damages.
  30. 5v. James Freeman of Ely, yeoman, alias miller, is summoned to answer William March, gentleman, and executor of the will of Edward March, gentleman, in an action of debt of 20 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 20 Mar. 1597 at Ely. Freeman fined; to pay damages.
  31. 6r. Robert Sibley of Ely, husbandman, is summoned to answer William March, gentleman, in an action of debt of 28 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 25 June 1599 at Ely. Sibley fined; to pay damages.
  32. 6r. William Sybley of Ely, husbandman, is summoned to answer William March, gentleman, in an action of debt of 28 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 15 Dec. 1598 at Ely. Sybley fined; to pay damages.
  33. 6r. John Fuller of Sutton, Lincolnshire, yeoman, answered John Burges in an action of assault that on 20 July 1599 he assaulted Burges with force at Wisbech putting him in fear of his life. Burges fined for bringing a false claim; Fuller acquitted.
  34. 6v. Nicholas Rawson and William Curley, [places of abode and occupations not stated] answered Geoffrey Spachly and Joan, his wife, in an action of assault that on 12 Nov. 1599 they assaulted Joan Spachly at Whittlesey. To proceed to jury trial.
  35. 6v. Ralph Shepard of March, yeoman, answered Thomas Shepard senior and William Walsham senior in an action of trespass on the case relating to 15 hanging stakes worth five shillings, 15 July 1599 at March. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  36. 7r. Ralph Shepard of March, yeoman, answered William Walsham in an action of trespass that on 10 Apr. 1599 he entered the close of Walsham called Greate Close at March, and cut down and carried away a cart-load of willows. Pled not guilty; to proceed to jury trial.
  37. 7r. William Dennye of St Eade [?St Ives], Huntingdonshire, is summoned to answer Mark Fryer in an action of debt of 72 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 11 July 1599 at Ely. Dennye fined; to pay damages.
  38. 7r. Thomas Sharpnye of Walsoken, Norfolk, yeoman, is summoned to answer John Wright senior in an action of debt of 60 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 14 Nov. 1597 at Wisbech. Sharpnye fined; to pay damages.
  39. 7r. Robert Hallyday, [place of abode and occupation not stated], answered William Gunton in an action of trespass on the case relating to a bond of obligation with a certain Thomas Cattell at Sutton, 20 Apr. 1599. To proceed to jury trial.
  40. 7v. William East, [place of abode and occupation not stated], is summoned to answer William March, gentleman and executor of the will of Edward March, gentleman, in an action of debt of 32 pounds relating to the sale and supply of 55 barrels of strong beer, 10 Sept. 1597 at Ely, and 20 barrels of ordinary or small beer, 10 Sept. 1598 at Ely. East fined; to pay damages.
  41. 7v. John Kylborne of Chettisham, yeoman, is summoned to answer William March, gentleman, in an action of debt of 40 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 18 Oct. 1598 at Ely. Kylbrone fined; to pay damages.
  42. 7v. John Kylborne is summoned to answer William March, gentleman, in an action of debt of 80 pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 25 Oct. 1587 at Ely. Kylbrone fined; to pay damages.
  43. 8r. John Beamys of Witchford, husbandman and executor of the will of Thomas Beamys late of Witchford, husbandman, is summoned to answer William March, gentleman and executor of the will of Thomas March, gentleman, in an action of debt of eight pounds relating to a bond of obligation of 20 July 1580. Beamys fined; to pay damages.


  • Creation: 18 Mar. 42 Eliz. [1600]

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