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Correspondence relating to the needs of new Laboratory and of Ernest Rutherford's successor, with proposals for reorganisation of Laboratory, 1937-11

Reference Code: GBR/0265/UA/CAV 4/2.vii

Scope and Contents

From the Fonds:

The records relate chiefly to the erection and administration of the laboratory buildings and their contents. Indeed, the earliest records are vouchers for equipment purchased by James Clerk Maxwell, first Professor, in 1876-9. There are also smaller quantities of records relating to laboratory clubs, 1902-72, the celebration of the Clerk Maxwell centenary, 1931, research programmes, 1960-92, including the Cambridge Energy Research Group, and applications to work and study at the laboratory, 1944-78. Much of the administrative correspondence, 1930s, is written by J.D. Cockcroft (1897-1967), then departmental lecturer.


  • Creation: 1937-11


Conditions Governing Access

From the Fonds:

The archives are unrestricted, except for 80 years closure period imposed on personal files, catalogued as CAV 10 and 15 under data protection legislation.


13 sheet(s) (13 sheets in folder)

Language of Materials



Cockcroft, J.D.; Ratcliffe, J.A.; Appleton, E.V.

Repository Details

Part of the Cambridge University Library Repository

Cambridge University Library
West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DR United Kingdom