"Great Chesterford, Essex. A compact, tithe-free estate, containing ...arable land, ...newly erected dwelling house and farm homestall thereon, known as the Burton Wood farm, lying on the road to Linton ; The Tannery Estate ", 1853-08-06, GBR/3296/Maps/Maps.PSV.1.59, Maps.PSV.1.59. Cambridge University Library. |
"Great Chesterford, Essex. A compact, tithe-free estate, containing ...arable land, ...newly erected dwelling house and farm homestall thereon, known as the Burton Wood farm, lying on the road to Linton ; The Tannery Estate ", 1853-08-06, GBR/3296/Maps/Maps.PSV.1.59, Maps.PSV.1.59. Cambridge University Library. Accessed March 14, 2025. |