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Northam Estate [Southampton]. Reconveyance of plots no.5 to 10, 16 to 23, 54 to 83 and 116 to122, 1892, GBR/3296/Maps/Maps.Ms.Plans.PS.18, Maps.Ms.Plans.PS.18: Series GBR/3296/Maps/Maps.Ms.Plans.PS.18. Cambridge University Library.

Northam Estate [Southampton]. Reconveyance of plots no.5 to 10, 16 to 23, 54 to 83 and 116 to122, 1892, GBR/3296/Maps/Maps.Ms.Plans.PS.18, Maps.Ms.Plans.PS.18: Series GBR/3296/Maps/Maps.Ms.Plans.PS.18. Cambridge University Library. Accessed February 28, 2025.

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