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William Sargent P45 Form, 1992

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/13/2

Scope and Contents

A framed first part of a P45 form [a UK tax form filled out by an employer upon an employee leaving their job] for the former managing director of Spitting Image Productions Limited, William Sargent. This form was completed upon Sargent's exit from the company, at the beginning of 1992.


  • Creation: 1992


Conditions Governing Access

Closed. This material is closed until 2056 under the Archive’s confidentiality guidelines for sensitive data (in compliance with the Data Protection Act (2018)).

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright - held by the Crown.


1 file(s) (The P45 form is framed, and is stored within a file.) : Metal; paper; plastic

Language of Materials
