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Chess Pieces, c 1987-c 1988

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/8/4/1

Scope and Contents

A box containing seven chess pieces that are representations of various French politicians from the 1980s. These politicians include, but are not limited to: Jacques Chirac, Michel Debré, Laurent Fabius, and Georges Marchais. Two of the pieces appear to be made of some form of plastic resin, and the other five appear to be either ceramic or another material.

The chess pieces accompanied a letter [see MS Add.10275/3/9/4/2] from French sculptor, Etienne Aillaud. According to Roger Law, these chess pieces were used as reference for game pieces produced for the Spitting Image Productions Limited board game, The Game of Scandal [see MS Add.10275/3/3/7/1].


  • Creation: c 1987-c 1988


Conditions Governing Use

Copyright - held by Etienne Aillaud and/or Atelier Bombyx.


1 archive box(es) : Ceramic; plastic resin

Language of Materials
