Thomas Baker's copies of documents, mainly relating to Cambridge University, 1740
Scope and Contents
1. 'Particulars concerning the scite, building and finishing King's College.' pp. 1-14.
2. 'Collections out of a MS. Intituled; Memoires written by the late Earle of Manchester, Son to the Lord Privy Seale, under his own hand; Ex Chartophylacio Regio.' pp. 17-26.
3. 'A short Account of some Passages of the Life and Death of Wentworth late Earle of Roscommon, To the … Lord Carteret.' pp. 27-44.
4. 'Particulars concerning Trinity Hall.' pp. 45-56.
5. 'Preamble to the Patent of Geo. Monck Esq. creating him Duke of Albemarle &c. 7 July MDCLX … from a MS. copy found among Mr Oudart's Papers, now in the hands of F. P, M.A.' pp. 57, 58.
6. 'An Account of Ric. Plantagenet, the last of that name.' pp. 59-61.
7. 'Wills viz. of Dr Moss, Math. Stokys, Mr Lightwin, Mr Washington, Dr Wm. Baker, Mr Ricd. Attwood etc.' pp. 68-74, 85-88.
8. 'Series Fundationis Collegii Reginalis in Cantabr. ex antiquissimis ejusdem Coll. Monumentis collecta 1616.' pp. 75-84.
9. 'An Account of Cevalerius Hebr. Reader and his Issue;' epitaph of Jo. Dixie. pp. 89-92.
10. 'Proclamations of King Edward the Sixth.' pp. 93-96.
11. 'Particulars concerning Pembroke Hall, from Mr Attwood's MSS. etc. and Gabr. Harvey.' pp. 97-114.
12. 'Fontis D. Winfredre sacri Descriptio.' pp. 115-118.
13. 'Particulars from a Vol. of Orig. Letters, the King, Card. Wolsey &c., pp. 119-128.
14. 'Particulars from a Terrar of all the lands within the bounds of Cambridge.' pp. 129-132.
15. 'Collections taken from Dr Theoph. Dillingham's Papers Mr. of Clare-Hall, some whereof in his own hand.' pp. 133-160.
16. 'Particulars from the registers of Dullingham and Over.' pp. 161-164.
17. 'The Statutes of the Gilds of St Peter's and All Saints in Cambr.' pp. 165-l76.
18. 'Commentarii Ricardi Drake Aulæ Pembr. quandoque Socii, dein Rectoris Ecclesiæ Paroch. de Radwinter in agro Essexiensi, demum Cancellarii Ecclesiæ Cath. Sarum.' pp. 177-206.
19. 'Tob. Rustat Esq. his charitable Donations etc.' pp. 207, 208.
20. 'Compositions, Orders, Letters, etc. taken from a Town Book of Cambridge.' pp. 209-226.
21. 'Extracts from a MS. indors'd, Cotton, Com. Huntingdon.' pp. 227-262.
22. 'Dr Lambert, late Master of St Joh. College, his Will.' pp. 263-266.
23. 'Liber statutorum ecclesiæ cath. Sti Pauli London, scriptus ad Mandatum Magistri Thome Lyseux ejusdem Ecclesie Decani.' pp. 267-278.
24. 'The Life of Mr Thomas Hearne. [In his own hand.]' pp. 279-298.
25. 'Mr Anthony Wood's Will.' pp. 299, 300.
26. 'The Last Will of Mary Queen of Scots [as there said]' etc. pp. 301-311.
27. 'The Foundation of the College by Dublin, Adam Loftus's Speech etc.' pp. 311-322.
28. 'Collections from Mr Wm Bedford's MSS. viz. Bp. Usher by Dr Bernard, Bp. Burnett, Dr Bastwick, Bp. Cosins, Dr Bancroft to London, ArchBp. Laud to Mr Selden, Goodman's Declaration, Ed. Deering, Opinion of our Divines concerning proceeding with Papists, Letters from King's College, Isabella de Aragonia, Duke of Rychemond, Hugh Broughton, Edw. Pocock, Edm. Castell, Andr. Fountain, Bp. Nicholson, Bp. Gibson, Duke of Norfolk and Tho. Cromwell to Hen. the 8th, Sir Wm. Cecill and Dr Perne to ArchBp. Parker, Sir Tho. Cooke's Donation to Oxford, Mr Dodsworth's MSS. etc.' pp. 323-366.
29. 'Mr Shervil's Censure, Mr Noy's Will, concerning Dorchester' &c.' pp. 377-380.
30. 'A Journal of the Assembly of Divines etc. taken by Mr Lightfoot, as appears both from internal characters, and other Testimonies. It had probably been taken upon the spot, in a running hand, and not always exactly worded. I have only extracted, what was chiefly Historicall. See Mr Strype's Preface to Dr Lightfoot's Genuine Remains Pag. 8, 9 etc. 34.' pp. 381-404.
31. 'A List of the Baylifs of Shrewsbury, from the year 1372 to 1603 with some Historicall Passages concerning the said Towne.' pp. 405-416.
32. 'Particulars of, or concerning Bp. Overall. pp. 417-440.
33. 'Queen Eliz. Entertainment at Oxford Anno 1592.' pp. 441-448.
34. 'King James's Entertainment at Oxford, an. 1605. An Extract.' pp. 449-452.
35. 'Particulars concerning the Family of Craggs.' pp. 453-456, 462-464, and on cover at end of book.
36. 'Dr [Mat.] Pearson's Will.' pp. 457, 458.
37. 'Remarkables concerning the King, col. Hamond, Ashburnham, Barkley.' pp. 459-461.
38. 'Gulielmus Grocinus Britannus, Aldo Manutio Romano S.P.D.' pp. 465, 466.
39. 'Epitaphs in Fulborn Com. Cant., and Buckworth Com. Hunt.' pp. 467-470.
40. 'Haltwestle Rectory and Bellingham Chappell Northumbr.' p. 471.
41. 'Sr Roger L'Estrange and Admiral Bembow's Life and Character.' p. 472.
42. 'Letter from R. R[awlinson] to Baker.' Orig. fol. pasted at end.
- Creation: 1740
- Baker, Thomas, 1656-1740 (antiquary) (Person)
- Montagu, Edward, 1602-1671 (2nd Earl of Manchester, politician and parliamentarian army officer) (Person)
- Dillingham, Theophilus, 1613-1678 (Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University) (Person)
- Drake, Richard, 1609-1681 (Church of England clergyman) (Person)
- Hearne, Thomas, 1678-1735 (antiquary and nonjuror) (Person)
- Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715 (bishop of Salisbury and historian) (Person)
- Bastwick, John, 1593-1654 (religious controversialist and pamphleteer) (Person)
- Cosin, John, 1594-1672 (Bishop of Durham) (Person)
- Laud, William, 1573-1645 (Archbishop of Canterbury) (Person)
- Goodman, Christopher, ? 1520-1603 (Puritan minister) (Person)
- Dering, Edward, c 1540-1576 (Prebendary of Salisbury and Puritan) (Person)
- Fitzroy, Henry, 1519-1536 (Duke of Richmond) (Person)
- Pococke, Edward, 1648-1726 (Oriental scholar) (Person)
- Castell, Edmund, 1606-1685 (Semitic scholar) (Person)
- Fountaine, Andrew, 1676-1753 (knight and art connoisseur) (Person)
- Nicolson, William, 1655-1727 (Bishop of Derry and antiquary) (Person)
- Gibson, Edmund, 1669-1748 (Bishop of London and antiquary) (Person)
- Howard, Thomas, 1473-1554 (3rd Duke of Norfolk) (Person)
- Cromwell, Thomas, c 1485-1540 (Earl of Essex and statesman) (Person)
- Cecil, William, 1520-1598 (1st Baron Burghley, statesman) (Person)
- Perne, Andrew, c. 1519-1589 (Dean of Ely and Master of Peterhouse) (Person)
- Lightfoot, John, 1602-1675 (clergyman and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge) (Person)
- Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612 (Prebendary of Durham, Rabbinical scholar) (Person)
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1 volume(s) (472 pages)
Language of Materials
Former reference
Baker 36
Custodial History
Bequeathed to the library by Thomas Baker (1656-1740).
Physical Description
Repository Details
Part of the Cambridge University Library Repository
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