A Survaie of his Majestie's Mannor of Bridlington, and of divers other his Majestie's lands, parte belonging to the said Mannor of Bridlington in the County of Yorke, taken there by Aaron Rathborne, A.D. 1609, by vertue of his Majestie's Commission to him in that behalfe directed under the seal of the Exchequer, Early seventeenth century, GBR/0012/MS Oo.07.13. Cambridge University Library. |
A Survaie of his Majestie's Mannor of Bridlington, and of divers other his Majestie's lands, parte belonging to the said Mannor of Bridlington in the County of Yorke, taken there by Aaron Rathborne, A.D. 1609, by vertue of his Majestie's Commission to him in that behalfe directed under the seal of the Exchequer, Early seventeenth century, GBR/0012/MS Oo.07.13. Cambridge University Library. Accessed February 19, 2025. |