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A collection of papers, in folio, fifteenth to eighteenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Oo.06.114

Scope and Contents

1. 'The assembly of moderate divines.' A satirical poem of 20 verses of three lines. The names or titles are commonly represented by blanks with initials, as B-p of B-n, D- of St P-, Anth- H-ke, etc.; or sometimes by nicknames, as Naked Truth, Trimming Tray, Gilbert, etc.
2. Notes of a Statement concerning Church-Government.
3. End of the 17th century. 'Murium et ranarum logomachia.' This purports to be a continuation of the Batrachomyomachia. It...
is deficient of the end.
4. 16th century. State-papers referring to the Peace of Vervins. The first, of which the commencement is wanting, appears to be the treaty itself, and is dated Vervin le ye jour du Mois de May 1598. The other papers are, Coppie de la responce du Roy treschen du 4e Juin dont est faict mention cy dessus, dated Paris 4 June. La teneur des Pouvoirs, (1) Given by Albert Cardinal, etc, Archiduc d'Austriche, dated Bruxelles, 30 Jan. 1598. (2) By Henry, etc., Roy de France et de Navarre, dated Paris, 27 Jan. (3) Charles Emanuel, etc., duc de Savoye, etc. dated Barreaux, 10. 7re, 1597. The upper edge of the leaves has perished.
5. 18th century. A description of the monument to Jacobus Craggs, Regi magnæ Britanniæ a secretis, etc. Ob. Feb. xvi. MDCCXX. With the Epitaph by Pope.
6. Feb. 3. [16]88. 'Considerations concerning Mr Poole's design.' These relate to Inspirations and Interpositions of the Holy Spirit. They contain hints for the formation of a society for inquiries concerning His operations. See Dd.03.64 nos. 61 and 62.
7. End of the 17th century. Two documents relating to the Ottoman war. (1) 'Extratto della tradozzione delle propositioni che da parte del Teckely fece alla Porta. Il suo Ambasre farlla (e molto malamente) dal Latino in Torco d'all' Interprete della Porta detto Sefer Aga.' (2) 'Rapporti, o come viene intitolato in Torco Relazione delle notitie, che ha havuto da diverze corrispondenze il Teckely.'
8. Notes of a Summary Lecture on the Prophet Daniel. A fragment.
9. The writing of the 17th century. Private Instructions to a Nobleman, ('a subject of the holye church and of an house that hath manye cardinalls and prelates') about to accompany 'his excellency the Prince [the Duke of Alva?] in a warre where the cause of religion is handled,' apparently in Flanders. The beginning is wanting, and some other leaves.
10. 17th century. 'Osservationi sopra il Manifesto del Sig. Marchese De Lavardin.' This concerns the dispute between Louis XIV. and Innoc. XI. It contains the Manifesto of the Marquis de Lavardin, with strictures.
11. 17th century. 'Recapitulation Sommaire de la Conference tenue sur la question, si sa Majesté est tenue par obligation et en virtu de l'alliance (car de ce que sa dicte Majesté autrement ou de son propre mouvement ou par autre raisone voudroit faire il na esté parlé a present) d'envoyer le secoure porte par Icelle Ainsi quelle a esté requise.' 'Faict a Londres le Cinq. et IXme Maie, 1620.'
12. Imperfect at both ends. 15th century. Sermons for Lent. The MS. begins in that for the first Thursday in Lent, and ends in that for Friday in the fourth week.
13. Beginning of the 17th century. 'A Discussion of Free Coinage.'
14. Three copies of a tract on 'The Antiquitye, Varyetye, and Reason of Mottoes, or words with armes of Noblemen and Gent. in England.' These bear the signature of James Whitelocke (father of Bulstrode Whitelocke) with a sketch of his crest, an eagle, with wings expanded, and with the mottoes, Oculis in solem alis in cælum, and Nec beneficio nec metu. One of these copies is full of corrections, and on the blank parts of it are written the names of 'Writers of Impresses.' On a scrap of paper with these there are further notes of the same kind. Another loose sheet, probably in the same writing, contains some historical heraldic notes, and memorandums of bonds.

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  • Creation: fifteenth to eighteenth century


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From the Collection:

Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (


1 volume(s) (107 leaves)

Language of Materials





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