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Historical and legal collections, seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ii.05.09

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Written in various hands: (1) ‘Collections out of the records, declaring the manner howe the kinges of England have from time to time supplied theire necessities with moneyes, without the helpe of parliamentes’, dated ‘Anno 9o Jacobi regis’, beginning ‘The kinges of England have repaired and supported their estates ...’; (2) a letter ‘to my noble friends in the lower howse of parliament’, by a former member of the house, and relating to grievances;... (3) remonstrance of the house of commons, upon the dissolution of the parliament, 2 Charles I; (4) ‘Instructions to be exactly and effectually observed and followed by his majestie’s commissioners for the loane of money unto his majestie [King Charles I]’; (5) ‘Of Robert Devoureux, earl of Essex, and of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham:– some observations by way of paralell in the tyme of their estates of fortune’, by Sir Henry Wotton; (6) letter from Mary, Queen of Scots, to Queen Elizabeth I; this is an English translation, without date, of the French original, dated 8 November 1582, in the Cottonian MSS. Calig. C. VII. 57; (7) ‘A little treatise of baile and mainprise, written at the request of Sir William Haydon, knight, by Sir Edward Cooke, knight’; see also MS Dd.11.66, no. 2; (8) ‘A letter of advise sent by an antient councellor of state unto Kinge Charles, against the seditious libelling of Tom Tell-Truth, and other pamphletters of that nature: treating also of the lawfullnes of the election of Ferdinand, king of Bohemia: the proscripcion of the Count Palatine: and of the antient faithfull amitie and aliance that hath alwaies bene inviolablie observed and nourished betweene the howse of Burgundie and England, untill of late yeares: and councellinge to revive the same friendshipp, as more safe and profittable for the Crowne then that of the Hollanders’, beginning ‘Most gracious prince; I knowe well what reverence subjectes owe to their soveraigne ...’; see also no. 20; (9) the speech of Sir Dudley Digges before the house of lords, upon the impeachment of the duke of Buckingham, 2 Charles I; (10) Mr Wainsford’s speech, upon the same occasion; (11) Sir John Elliott’s speech, upon the same occasion; (12) ‘Mr John Glanvill’s speech, upon the same occasion; touching the £10000 by the duke of Buckingham unlawfully exacted and extorted of the East India Company, by colour of his office as lord admirall of England’; (13) another speech of Mr Glanvill, upon the same occasion, ‘touching the ships which were put into the power and service of the French king, and employed afterwards against the Rochellers’; (14) ‘Mr Herberte his speech, reported by the lord chamberlayne, the 8th of May, 1626’, upon the same occasion; (15) ‘His majestie’s [King James I] speech, the first of March, 1623, at Theoballs, to the committee of the lords and the lower house, sent with the reasons of breaking both treaties’; (16) ‘Certain consideracions upon the choyce of the duke of Buckingham for chanceloure of the Universitie of Cambridge, June the first, 1626’; (17) the king’s [Charles I] letter to the University of Cambridge, commending their election of the duke of Buckingham for their chancellor; (18) ‘Mr John Seldone’s speech before the lordes, upon the delivery of the grevances against the duke of Buckingham, and reported by the earle of Dorset on Monday the 8th of May, 1626’; (19) ‘The letter of Inojosa [ambassador extraordinary from Spain] to Kinge James’, beginning ‘That which I spoke to your majestie some daies past; and which at this present your majestie commands me to deliver you in writing ...;’ (20) ‘Tom Tell Troth, or a free discourse touching the murmurs of the tyme. Directed to his majestie [King Charles I] by way of humble advertisement’.

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  • Creation: seventeenth century


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1 volume(s) (268 leaves.)

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