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Papers of the 1976 conference, 1976

Reference Code: GBR/0180/RGO 56/13

Scope and Contents

Three folders of papers on the 1976 Herstmonceux Conference:

1. 'Herstmonceux Conference 1976 General'

Details of the conference (on the folder's inside cover); a letter from F. Graham Smith on the theme of the conference and the agenda; two application forms - one requesting information about the applying institution, the time of the delegates' arrival and meals, and the other regarding meals only; two notes on the conference; a programme detailing...
events of 29 March - 1 April, and a second copy with some adjustments; a list of delegates; a paper on the allocation of bedrooms at Herstmonceux Castle, including room numbers; a diagram showing room allocation; two copies of a diagram of seating arrangements for the dinner; a menu for the dinner; a list of meal times; a list of dinner guests; two copies of a memorandum listing the bar opening times for the dinner; a memorandum concerning putting conference queries to 'FGS' [Francis Graham Smith]; two letters to the Royal Greenwich Observatory from people adjusting their conference visiting days; a letter from W.A. Goodsell to Miss Mills regarding the S.I.R.A.; a note from 'Dennis' to 'Graham'; a letter from Dennis McMullan to Mrs Harris, 2 April, thanking her and the staff for their conference work; a paper regarding the conference, including the subjects studied and attendance figures, and also concerning the meeting on instrumentation for optical telescopes; a document entitled 'The Twentieth Herstmonceux Conference' regarding events at the conference; a letter from J. Hutchinson to Professor Delhaye on the meeting of European astronomers on instrumentation on 4- 5 December; details of this meeting; a listing of topics for the meeting of 1 April; a list of participants for the meeting on the third day; budget estimates detailing the cost of accommodation and meals; a memorandum on the meeting on 'Instrumentation for optical telescopes', including a list of participants; a letter from Dennis McMullan explaining the time and purpose of the meeting of European optical astronomers, with a list of names, and a second letter from McMullan with a different list of names; the agenda for the meeting of European astronomers, listing meals and lectures; a list of names for the 'Special Meeting for Instrumentalists'; and an untitled list of names.

2. 'Herstmonceux Conference 1976 Participants'

Three different versions of a list of delegates; a list of confirmed conference participants to date, divided into outsiders and Herstmonceux staff; a note from 'Hazel' to 'Richard' confirming the attendance of various people; a list of people who have accepted invitations; a note from 'Hazel' requesting the addition of more names to the list; and papers on the costs for meals, giving details of the meals eaten by delegates.

3. 'Herstmonceux Conference 1976 Scientific Programme'

Invitations from Herstmonceux, written mainly by Dennis McMullan, to attend the conference and the meeting of European astronomers, with the responses, January - March 1976.

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  • Creation: 1976


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