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Papers for the Astronomy Sub-Committee, 1964

Reference Code: GBR/0180/RGO 10/940

Scope and Contents

Papers for the meeting of the Astronomy Sub-Committee of the Research Grants Committee, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, at State House, London, on 18 November 1964. The documents include minutes and matters arising from the seventeenth meeting of the sub-committee on 21 May 1964; 'Membership and Terms of Reference of the Committee and its Sub-Committee for the Session 1964/65'; a financial statement; 'O.E.C.D. Senior Visiting Fellowships';... and a booklet by J.A. Bastin et al. titled 'Spectroscopy at extreme infra-red wavelengths. III. Astrophysical and atmospheric measurements'.

The folder also contains papers regarding applications for Special Research Grants for work relating to 'Low Noise Solar Spectroscopy at Nice', 'Investigation of galactic and extragalactic radio emissions', 'Improvement of telescope for solar, lunar and planetary observations', 'Astronomical observations from a high altitude site', 'Astrophysical research in the Southern Hemisphere', 'Maintenance of new Radio Telescope' (at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge), 'Studies of collision broadening and shift in atomic spectra', 'Low noise solar spectroscopy using a vacuum spectrograph', 'The temperatures and densities of nova envelopes', 'Curve-plotter for presentation of radio astronomical observations', 'Primary Cosmic Ray Electrons' and 'Cosmic rays and nuclear physics'.

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  • Creation: 1964


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1 folder(s) (1 folder)

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