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GCPP Grant 2/12


Contains 1 Result:


Letters to Helen Grant from Paco and Laura Garcia Lorca, 1973 - 1976

Reference Code: GBR/0271/GCPP Grant 2/12
Scope and Contents

Chiefly concerning the possibility of the daughter of Paco and Laura studying in Cambridge and HG’s assistance and advice in respect of this. The first letter, from Paco, mentions Federico Garcia Lorca’s ‘Bodas de Sangre’ and [Seňor] ‘Nadal’, and the file also includes a speech of thanks [given by HG?] for the Norman Macoll lecture series, given by a Seňor Nadal on the poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca [in the 1970s?].

Dates: 1973 - 1976
Conditions Governing Access: This file is closed in line with Data Protection regulations. To be reviewed 1 January 2054.