GCPP Muir 7
Contains 1 Result:
Letters from Eva Muir to her father Andrew Muir, 1883 - 1885
Reference Code: GBR/0271/GCPP Muir 7
Scope and Contents
Letter 1, from London, 26 November 1883: gives account of visit to Cambridge. Visits Martin and goes out to Girton, attends performance of 'Electra', gives account of performance, very highly regarded, better than 'The Birds' [by implication the men's noses are out of joint]. Goes to service at King's and visits Walter Raleigh;Letter 2, 4 December 1885: visit to Cambridge, description of Martin's room at Pembroke. Describes performance of 'Eumenides', especially costumes and...
1883 - 1885