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Letters from Hilda Gosling to her mother Nellie Gosling: File 3, 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0271/GCPP Sebastian 1/1/3

Scope and Contents

A letter of 2 January is addressed from Brighton where H G was staying with a Mrs Wheatley [presumably the family of Dennis Wheatley, family friend]. A letter of 7 February is addressed from the Waiting Rooms.
Specific references include:
Further mention of the privations of wartime rationing, January;
New medical students in Cambridge, returning from service in France, 27 January;
CU Socialist Society meetings February;
Installation of J J Thomson as Master of Trinity College - description of banging at the gate of Trinity etc - 10 February;
Girton Staff hockey match - letter includes descriptions of Eileen Power and Frances Cave-Brown-Cave - 28 February;
Action by the Girton Fire Brigade on a fire in a stack of straw, 14 March;
Offer of a job at the Ministry of Pensions (to begin in the middle of August), 19 and 24 May;
Long Vacation term in Cambridge;
Mention of Hurrion Rushmer, and of I Illingworth-Law of Queens' College, from June onwards - a letter of 7 July is addressed from St Luke’s Lodge;
21st birthdays of friends and of H G herself in October;
‘flu epidemic in Girton and Cambridge, from October, and the need for students to undertake some household chores around College - by 27 October most ‘gyps’ are back but H G is still ‘waiting on high’;
Celebration of the end of war, November, including a ‘raid’ on Girton, a bonfire, and a celebratory dance to be held at Girton.


  • Creation: 1918



1 file(s) : Paper

Language of Materials


Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

The pages of the letter dated 19 May 1918 have become partially stuck together on the left side, possibly through damp. A few words at the top left of each page are a little difficult to decipher.


Hilda Sebastian (nee Gosling) quotes from some of these letters in pp 118-152 of her book 'Lace Collars and Cocoa Cups'. Letters quoted include those dated 3, 15, 23, 27 and 31 January; 7, 10, 24 and 28 February; 21 April; 1, 19 and 24 May; 8, 11, 14 and 30 October; and 10 , 12 and 14 November.


Gosling, Hilda

Finding aid date

2013-05-14 15:46:31+00:00

Repository Details

Part of the Girton College Archive Repository

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