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Letters from Hilda Gosling to her mother Nellie Gosling: File 2, 1917

Reference Code: GBR/0271/GCPP Sebastian 1/1/2

Scope and Contents

Specific references include:
rehearsing for a play in January and February;
an outbreak of measles in College from February to May;
‘earning’ money for a war fund by doing chores such as lighting each other’s fires, 23 January;
rationing, eg being reduced to ‘one scuttle of coals a day’, 28 January, and scarcity of items such as tea and sugar, 7 November;
air raids 2 Nov 1917;
further family losses of friends, also death in action of H G’s friend Jack Booth on 17 November, mentioned 25 November 1917;
mention of Peel House, Horseferry Road, London, where H G had done voluntary waitressing work in 1916, 2 December;
a particularly long description of a game of golf on 18 November with Joyce, ‘such a treat to get right away from College’;
picking apples and pears and storing them in the ‘swimming bath’, 16 October.
A letter of 30 December 1917 is addressed from Ockendene, Cuckfield, Sussex [presumably while visiting family or friends].


  • Creation: 1917



1 file(s) : Paper

Language of Materials



Hilda Sebastian (nee Gosling) quotes from some of these letters in pp 100-117 of her book 'Lace Collars and Cocoa Cups', though she often uses only a couple of lines from a given letter and doesn't usually give its date. She begins to quote more fully, with dates, from late 1917 onwards: letters quoted include those dated 2, 7, 18 and 25 November, and 2 December.


Gosling, Hilda

Finding aid date

2013-05-14 15:46:27+00:00

Repository Details

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