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Royal Commission on Labour in India scrapbooks: Volume 2, 1930 - 1931

Reference Code: GBR/0271/GCPP Power, B 2/2/2

Scope and Contents

Includes: chiefly news cuttings; also letters to Beryl Power from the India Office concerning her appointment to the Commission, 1929; printed text of BP's address on 'The Help that women can give in raising industrial standards' to the Bengal Presidency Council of Women, 7 February 1930; and, towards, end of volume, programme for a Viceregal Investiture (for the awarding of honours), Delhi, 12 February 1931, invitations and seating plan for same, and programme for the Unveiling of the Dominion Columns in New Delhi 10 February 1931.


  • Creation: 1930 - 1931



1 volume(s) : Paper

Language of Materials



Power, Beryl

Finding aid date

2009-02-16 11:10:47+00:00

Repository Details

Part of the Girton College Archive Repository

The Archivist
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