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Personal diaries: Volume 3, 1924-04-14 - 1924-12-07

Reference Code: GBR/0271/GCPP Graham, A2 1/3

Scope and Contents

14-28 April: holiday at Moor Farm, Fordham, Cambridgeshire - concentrates on animals, walks, visits, cycling trips to Newmarket, Exning, Mildenhall, Isleham, Soham etc. 28 April - back to Fordfield in Cambridge, where the round of tennis, walks, cycle rides and trips to Sawston continues.
P. 47 'tea with Miss Butcher, in her rooms at Newnham, in Clough Hall'.
P. 51 tea at The Orchard.
P. 67 Ely - visit to the cathedral etc
[Gap between July 26 and September 13 - account of holiday in Pre-en-Pail in separate volume.]
'Alethea has passed School Certificate with 7 credits - - no one else has done in the five or six years that the Perse has taken School Certificate! Only three or four other girls in all England got as many as 7 - - '.
P. 88 tea for the orphans from the Cottage Home in Fitzwilliam Road.
P. 95 'Dudu' and Mina 'are going to choose a little sister for Walter'
p. 102 28 September, exam results - 'I'm top, but I don't know how I managed to beat the brainy Elspeth Wood' 5 October - the cough returns.
P. 107 9 October mentions 'A letter from Fuvver!' who said 'it didn't matter what sort of life you led, as long as you lived it in the right spirit. So like Anatolia! It all seems so strange, because Anatolia wrote to Mother a little while before asking for news of us, etc, and asking us to write. But we're not going to, and haven't, because Anatolia is horrid. And Fuvver isn't a bit sorry, so we're not going to write to him. He wants to get us away from Mother, & go and behave like he does with his side of the family. But of course we'd never, never go. But Mother thinks it's best not to write. I wonder if Fuvver will think, 'Oh then Mother doesn't care about him any more than he cares about her' and then he'll be less likely than ever to come back. I wonder if he ever will. Anyway, we shall leave it, and hope he won't write again until he writes to make it all up.' Betty Stockwell to tea, aged 15, a boarder at the Perse, some detail.
29 October: 'Joan & I had a quarrel' , over another imaginary establishment, 'a new sort of Borstal'.
31 October - General Election - 'Cara & Oracle [grandparents] voted Conservative. Mother - - finally voted Liberal'. Tea at Mr Blackie's of Magdalene College. Half term in Letchworth with Aunty Anna - some detail on Letchworth, its schools, buildings etc.
15 November - Percy Stanley has been to stay. School events, eg Art Club tea.
23 November - 'Nadia Lapchinsky has come here from Russia'
30 November - tea with Alan Goodman of Caius College. 'At Speech Day there is going to be a Greek play - - it will be a bore, unless they act specially well'. Sawston - pending move to Merton House, Queens' Road, Cambridge.
1 December tea with Orwell Michaelis at Jesus College
7 December 'tea with Mr Dalrymple [Trinity]. Aren't we gay going to tea in college rooms three times within a week?'
At back: books read at Moor Farm; people and animals mentioned; photographs of Alethea, Agatha, cousin Angela at 2.5 months, Moor Farm Fordham; Perse teams with keys to names - tennis VI 1924, 1st netball VII 1923-4, star gym class, hockey 1923-4.


  • Creation: 1924-04-14 - 1924-12-07



1 volume(s) : Paper

Language of Materials



Graham, Agatha

Finding aid date

2010-01-05 13:40:11+00:00

Repository Details

Part of the Girton College Archive Repository

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