Personal Papers of Judith Fitzsimons, 1937 - 1953
Scope and Contents
Papers relating to Judith Fitzsimons' entry to Girton College and her medical studies; also College bills. File contains the following:
1) Correspondence between Lady Margaret House, Grange Road, Cambridge and Judith Fitzsimons' mother, 1944-1947, concerning the role played by Lady Margaret House in preparing girls for entry to Girton College and Newnham College, and to Judith being enrolled at LMH for this purpose;
2) Correspondence concerning documentation and payment required in relation to Judith's application for exemption from London matriculation, for an application for an entrance form for the first MB examination to be held in June 1947, and for exemption from the Previous Examination: October 1946 to April 1947;
3) Timetable of interviews and practicals held at Newnham College March [1947], with both Newnham and Girton Directors of Studies; timetable for Girton and Newnham Joint Scholarship examination, February 1947; and printed joint note of advice from Girton and Newnham concerning interviews and tests, February 1947;
4) Girton and Newnham Scholarship examination in Natural Sciences: papers for Advanced Physics A, Advanced Physics B and Advanced Practical Physics, February and March 1937;
5) Letter to Judith Fitzsimons from Girton College, 29 July 1947, informing her about accommodation in Girton for her first year, arrival date etc, together with a printed leaflet advising what to bring in the way of domestic items; permission for pianos and mains wireless; gratuities; and the need to hand ration books to the Junior Bursar;
6) Girton College printed form noting revised College and University fees as from Michaelmas Term 1948, with related letter to Judith Fitzsimons, 9 April 1948, noting that fees are being brought in line with those of the men's colleges on the occasion of Girton becoming a college of the University;
7) Judith's College bills for Michaelmas Term 1948, Long Vacation Term 1948 (with receipt for payment) and Lent Term 1950;
8) Judith's record of Medical and Surgical degrees: printed volume produced by the University of Cambridge, 1947, with explanatory notes on medical degrees, filled in by hand with Judith's medical degree record, 1949-1953, and a note of lectures attended.
- Creation: 1937 - 1953
Biographical / Historical
Judith Hockaday was born in Cardiff, the daughter of Robert Allen Fitzsimons, consultant surgeon, and Mary Patricia McKelvey, Assistant Chief Medical Officer, ICI. She was educated at St Mary's Convent, Bishops Stortford and Lady Margaret House, Cambridge before coming to Girton College in 1947 to study Natural Sciences. She undertook a clinical course at St Mary's Hospital, London 1950-53. She held successive appointments at St Mary's Hospital, London, the Brompton Hospital, the United Oxford Hospitals and Massachusetts General Hospital before returning to the United Oxford Hospitals in 1964 to take up an appointment in the Department of Neurology. She moved to the Department of Paediatrics at the Radcliffe Infirmary in 1972 and became the first consultant in Paediatric Neurology at the John Radcliffe Hospital in 1981. She published many contributions to medical journals on neurological topics, especially migraine and paediatric neurology. She married Derek Hockaday in 1960 and had three children. [Notes drawn from Girton College Register Vol. II.]
1 file(s) : Paper
Language of Materials
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Items 1-4 and 6-8 donated by Judith Hockaday's daughter, Mary Hockaday, March 2023; item 5 donated by Mary Hockaday March 2020.
Fitzsimons, Judith; Girton College; Lady Margaret House
Repository Details
Part of the Girton College Archive Repository
The Archivist
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