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Bond to the college for payment of the £4 due from the estate of John Booth, late fellow, for Mr Robinson's plate, 1643-03-03

Reference Code: GBR/0268/CCCC10/18

Scope and Contents

From the File:

Booth leaves £3 per annum from his lands in Laneham; £1 to be given yearly to the two students the speeches in the college on 5 November concerning the Gunpoder Plot; £1 to be spent on exceedings by the fellows and scholars; and £1 on 'some learned and pious work of some Protestant writer English or Latin to be placed in the public library'; he leaves his house nd lands at Laneham to his brother George, excepting the £3 above; he leaves to the college the 'De l'institution, usage, et doctrine du Sainct Sacrement de l'Eucharistie en l'eglise ancienne. : Ensemble quand, comment, et par quels degrez la Messe s'est introduicte en sa place. Le tout en quatre livres' of Philippe de Mornay, seigneur du Plessis-Marly (now CCCC F.2.1-4).
Will made November 15, 1642. He died 7 February 1642/3.


  • Creation: 1643-03-03


1 sheet(s) : paper

Language of Materials


Former / Other Reference



Francis Edgar and William Booth

Finding aid date

2010-10-18 17:22:06+00:00

Genre / Form

Repository Details

Part of the Corpus Christi College Archives Repository

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