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'The Aunswere of John Giggons, doctor of Divinitye . . . to the bill of Complaint of . . . Jhn Kippis, Frauncis Gonnell, William Annis and Roberte Collett . . .', 1591, GBR/0268/CCCC09/35/196a/5. Corpus Christi College Archives.

'The Aunswere of John Giggons, doctor of Divinitye . . . to the bill of Complaint of . . . Jhn Kippis, Frauncis Gonnell, William Annis and Roberte Collett . . .', 1591, GBR/0268/CCCC09/35/196a/5. Corpus Christi College Archives. Accessed January 30, 2025.

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