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Tenant's accounts, etc., 1808 - 1813

Reference Code: GBR/0268/CCCC09/N5/89

Scope and Contents

From the Fonds:

The estate was purchased by Dr John Spencer, Master 1667-93, in 1687 for £3600, with an annual value of £200, and settled by Deed of Gift on the College for the augmentation of the Mastership, Fellowships, Scholarships and various other purposes.(see Masters, Appendix no. LIII (pp. 79-80).
It was sold in 1929 for £3425 (Bury, p. 165).
The two items under 43 have been reclassified as 39a and 40c.
No. 60, which relates to St Bene't's parish has been reassigned...
to XVIII 237.41. Nos 68 to 76 relate to land at Cottenham, Cambs, on which the college held a mortgage, and are separately boxed.
Also included in this group are vouchers for the Spencer account for expenditure unrelated to the estates.

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  • Creation: 1808 - 1813


1 envelope(s)

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