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Grant to Walter Smith, Robert Baker, clerks, and William Corneerd [Corner] of a tenement between tenements of CCCC and abutting (W) on the High Street and (E) on a tenement of the said college and the rectory of St Bene't's., 1458-09-29, GBR/0268/CCCC09/18/132. Corpus Christi College Archives.

Grant to Walter Smith, Robert Baker, clerks, and William Corneerd [Corner] of a tenement between tenements of CCCC and abutting (W) on the High Street and (E) on a tenement of the said college and the rectory of St Bene't's., 1458-09-29, GBR/0268/CCCC09/18/132. Corpus Christi College Archives. Accessed March 12, 2025.

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