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Counterpart lease to Sir John de Bedford, Rector of St Bene't's, for his life and to his executors for one year after his death, of a messuage in Lortburn Lane (as in 28) at an annual rent of 10s; the property to be kept in good repair, 1328-06-11, GBR/0268/CCCC09/18/39. Corpus Christi College Archives.

Counterpart lease to Sir John de Bedford, Rector of St Bene't's, for his life and to his executors for one year after his death, of a messuage in Lortburn Lane (as in 28) at an annual rent of 10s; the property to be kept in good repair, 1328-06-11, GBR/0268/CCCC09/18/39. Corpus Christi College Archives. Accessed September 07, 2024.

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