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Grant to William de Lavenham of a tenement called 'le Scheggehalle' [Sedge Hall] and one shop in 'le Marketstede' called 'barbounclesschopp' for life at an annual rent of one rose, 1339-11-24, GBR/0268/CCCC09/15/15.a. Corpus Christi College Archives.

Grant to William de Lavenham of a tenement called 'le Scheggehalle' [Sedge Hall] and one shop in 'le Marketstede' called 'barbounclesschopp' for life at an annual rent of one rose, 1339-11-24, GBR/0268/CCCC09/15/15.a. Corpus Christi College Archives. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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