Agreement finally concluding the exchange of the capital messuage of Sir John de Cantebrigg’ for another in Lortheburlane which transaction had been delayed by the death of William [Bateman], Bishop of Norwich, re-founder of the Hall, 1356-09-30, GBR/0268/CCCC01/P/15, CCCC01/P/15. Corpus Christi College Archives. |
Agreement finally concluding the exchange of the capital messuage of Sir John de Cantebrigg’ for another in Lortheburlane which transaction had been delayed by the death of William [Bateman], Bishop of Norwich, re-founder of the Hall, 1356-09-30, GBR/0268/CCCC01/P/15, CCCC01/P/15. Corpus Christi College Archives. Accessed March 10, 2025. |