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AHAR 8/5/2


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Poetry Feast Cards, 2006-02-14

Reference Code: GBR/1919/AHAR 8/5/2
Scope and Contents

'The View from the window' by RS Thomas; Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 29': 'Dog' and 'At Least 'by Mandy Sutter; 'Leisure 'by William Henry Davies; 'Girl' by Simon Arbitrage; 'Coming' by Philip Larkin; 'Wearing Thin' by Roger McGough; 'Chocs' and 'Words, wide night' by Carol Ann Duffy;' Piano' by D H Lawrence; 'A child in the night' by Elizabeth Jennings; 'Borderline decision' and 'John put upon' by John Hegley; 'Habitation' by Margaret Atwood.

Dates: 2006-02-14