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Copy of an Act concerning the several incorporations of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and the Confirmation of their Charters, Liberties and Privileges granted to either of them, 1770 - 1779, GBR/0269/DCGB/C/5/5, DCGB/C/5/5: Series GBR/0269/DCGB/C. Downing College.

Copy of an Act concerning the several incorporations of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and the Confirmation of their Charters, Liberties and Privileges granted to either of them, 1770 - 1779, GBR/0269/DCGB/C/5/5, DCGB/C/5/5: Series GBR/0269/DCGB/C. Downing College. Accessed February 26, 2025.

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