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List of 'purchases mentioned in the conveyance of 12 Apr 1716' [George Downing's deed to lead the uses of a fine]; and list of 'purchases which do not appear to be included in the conveyance of 1716' [by name only], GBR/0269/DCAR/1/1/9/1a, DCAR/1/1/9/1a. Downing College.

List of 'purchases mentioned in the conveyance of 12 Apr 1716' [George Downing's deed to lead the uses of a fine]; and list of 'purchases which do not appear to be included in the conveyance of 1716' [by name only], GBR/0269/DCAR/1/1/9/1a, DCAR/1/1/9/1a. Downing College. Accessed January 09, 2025.

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