Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)
- Existence: 1874 - 1965
Found in 89 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 19 Feb 1906
Letter from Herbert Vivian (Hotel de Luxembourg, Promenade des Anglais, Nice, [France]) to WSC on: "The Curiosity of Literature", "The River War", and the best way of engaging in published controversy with Colonel [?Ivor] Maxse; Vivian's review of WSC's last book; the activities of "those Labour devils". Suggests WSC meet Horatio Bottomley with a view to getting "our own paper to draw blood properly.".
(Untitled), [Jan 1932]
Letter from Louis Alber [President, Affiliated Lecture and Concert Association Incorporated] to Senator William Borah, regretting the newspaper coverage of his attempt to arrange for Borah and WSC to debate the question of recognition of the Soviet Union. [Copy].
(Untitled), 08 Feb [1916]
Letter from CSC to WSC, on meeting with one of his officers, Lt. Jock McDavid, also on the Northcliffe press's opposition to WSC, and the possibility of Lord Fisher returning to office. Typescript transcript at CHAR 1/118B/61-62.
(Untitled), 09 Jan 1922
Letter from [WSC] to Lord Riddell [earlier Sir George Riddell] thanking him for a Christmas box of cigars and praising his handling of the American press at the Washington Conference on disarmament.
(Untitled), 04 Mar 1911
Letter from Sir Edward Troup [Permanent Under Secretary of State, Home Office] to Sir Charles Mathews [Director of Public Prosecutions] enclosing newspaper cuttings from the Times [see CHAR 12/9/92]. He reports that WSC would like to know whether Christabel Pankhurst or the Times could be prosecuted for criminal libel. Signed manuscript.
(Untitled), 26 Sep 1932
Letter from Sir Charles Mendl (British Embassy, Paris, [France]) to WSC enclosing CHAR 2/185/35-59, commenting on the circulation of French newspapers and advising WSC to take his time in recovering from paratyphoid.
(Untitled), 18 Jul 1935
Letter from WSC to Kenneth Henderson, Legal Department, Associated Newspapers, commenting that he was satisfied with the outcome of Randolph Churchill's libel action against Sir Thomas White. [in which Randolph made an out of court payment of 1,000 pounds]. Stating that he particularly appreciated the chivalrous manner in which the Daily Mail rated Randolph's interests above their own. [Carbon].
(Untitled), 14 Apr 1945
Letter from WSC to W L Andrews (The Yorkshire Post) thanking him for the reproduction of a book compiled by Yorkshiremen in Stalag Luft VI [carbon].
(Untitled), 21 Feb 1942 - 26 Feb 1942
Note from Francis Brown [Private Secretary to WSC] to Randolph Churchill enclosing a War Cabinet report on foreign propaganda broadcasts: report includes undermining of WSC with a quote from Randolph Churchill on WSC keeping his money safely in the United States, and the suggestion that Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Privy Seal, is a Bolshevist sympathiser and possible agent.
(Untitled), 15 May 1908
Copy of a letter from [Lord] Northcliffe [formerly Alfred Harmsworth] to WSC in which he says that he does not intend to discuss [WSC's action against] the Manchester Courier further and that he would like to avoid talking to F E Smith [later Lord Birkenhead] as Smith is acting against him.
(Untitled), 24 Jun 1908
Copy of a letter from WSC (Board of Trade) to [Lord] Northcliffe [formerly Alfred Harmsworth] informing him that his libel action against the Manchester Courier has been settled.
(Untitled), 13 May 1909
Copy of a letter from WSC (Board of Trade) to [Lord] Northcliffe [formerly Alfred Harmsworth] marked private informing him that he would like his forthcoming speech at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester about the [People's] Budget and [National] Insurance to be fully reported in the Times.
(Untitled), 15 Oct 1912
Copy of a letter from WSC (Admiralty) to [Lord] Northcliffe [formerly Alfred Harmsworth] in which he thanks him for the present of a stick to be used against the suffragettes, comments on a reference to L G [David Lloyd George] at the Journalists' Banquet and on the favourable treatment WSC has been given by Northcliffe's newspapers.
Writ and Claim for libel issued by WSC against the Daily Mirror, 25 Oct 1951
Includes transcript of published articles including "Whose Finger?" about WSC's words on the possibility of nuclear war and that "only Russia or America was in a position to pull the trigger" and a series of articles about on WSC's possible policy of issuing a peace ultimatum to Stalin.Printed pamphlet.