Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)
- Existence: 1874 - 1965
Found in 300 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 03 Dec 1895
Telegram from [ ] Diehl to WSC, asking for 400 word article on the situation in Cuba.
(Untitled), 10 Dec 1895
Letter from M Shaw Bowers, Havana, Cuba, to WSC, on Cuban newspaper reports of WSC's visit.
(Untitled), 13 Dec 1895
Letter from Sir Alexander Gollan, British Consul-General, Havana, to WSC, on his visit to Cuba.
(Untitled), 14 Dec 1895
Letter from Ernest Craig-Brown (Lieutenant, West India Regiment, Up Park Camp, Jamaica) to WSC, congratulations on articles from Cuba and award of Spanish Red Cross, and wishing that he too had volunteered for service in Cuba "you can picture me sitting in the mess-stores, totting up accounts and arranging menus while you are gaining experience & renown in the next island.
(Untitled), 25 Dec 1895
Letter from Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, British Ambassador to Spain, to Lady Randolph Churchill, forwarding letters from Spanish authorities on WSC's visit to Cuba.
(Untitled), 20 Nov 1895
Note by Arsenio M de Campos, Spanish Captain-General, Cuba, on WSC.
(Untitled), 25 Nov 1895
Note by Antonio Diaz Bento, Spanish Army, Cuba, on WSC and Reginald Barnes.
(Untitled), 26 Nov 1895
Note by Alvaro S Valdez, Spanish Army, Cuba, on WSC.
(Untitled), 09 Dec [1895]
Letter from The Duke of Tetuan, Spanish Foreign Minister, to Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, British Ambassador to Spain, on WSC's visit to Cuba.
(Untitled), 26 Nov 1895
Letter from Arsenio M de Campos to The Duke of Tetuan, on WSC's visit to Cuba.
(Untitled), 10 Jan 1896
Letter from Thomas Heath Joyce, Editor, Daily Graphic, to WSC, sending cheque for 25 guineas for publication of his letters from Cuba.
(Untitled), 14 Jan 1896
Letter from W L Thomas, Manager, Daily Graphic, to WSC, congratulations on articles and sketches from Cuba, commenting that they were widely read and appreciated.
(Untitled), 17 Feb 1896
Letter from Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, British Ambassador to Spain, to WSC, on publication of WSC's articles from Cuba. Asking if he could avoid saying things "unpalatable to the Spanish, commenting that having obtained letters of introduction for him "I am reproached for the unfavourable commentaries you make".
(Untitled), 24 Feb 1896
Letter from Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, British Ambassador to Spain to WSC, on WSC's articles from Cuba.
(Untitled), 15 Dec 1895
Cutting from The New York World, article, "Churchill on Cuba's War" The cutting was sent to WSC by Edith Cooper Hough of Worcester, Mass., U.S.A. in 1952.
(Untitled), 23 Mar [1896]
Letter from Colonel John Brabazon, Marlborough Club, Pall Mall, London, to WSC, on the success of WSC's libel action against A C Bruce Pryce.
(Untitled), 01 Nov 1900
Letter from William Blackwood & Sons, Publishers, George Street, Edinburgh, to Lewis & Lewis, Solicitors, London, on allegations that WSC had broken his parole as a Prisoner of the Boers in South Africa, by WSC in "Twice Captured" by Lord Rosslyn, stating that the statement would be deleted in future editions.
(Untitled), 06 Aug 1900
Certificate of WSC's Service as a Lieutenant in the South African Light Horse, 2 January - 23 March 1900, signed by Lt-Colonel Julian Byng, later Lord Byng.
(Untitled), 26 Dec 1931
Letter from Colonel Stuart Graham (Bangalore, India) to WSC, expressing pleasure at reading "My Early Life", and reminiscing about his own service, particularly in India, and on present day conditions in India, suggesting that Mohandas Gandhi and his supporters should be deported to "some out of the way spot like St Helena" and not allowed any communication with India; includes visiting card.
(Untitled), 30 May 1907
Letter from General Sir Ian Hamilton, Tidworth House, Andover, to WSC, congratulations on performance of the Henley Squadron, Oxfordshire Hussars.
(Untitled), 06 Jan 1916
Letter from CSC to WSC, congratulations on promotion to command the 6th Royal Scots Fusiliers, and on WSC's present of a silver cigar box to the Headquarters Staff at XXXIII Corps, advising him not to use "gruesome picture of the Blucher turning turtle", but to give a plain box with an inscription Typescript transcript at CHAR 1/118B/16-17.
(Untitled), 25 Mar [1916]
Letter from CSC to WSC, on his decision to leave the army. Typescript transcript at CHAR 1/118B/114.
(Untitled), [c 1912]
Account by WSC of his escape from the Boers [typescript with ms amendments by WSC, on Admiralty notepaper, probably drafted in connection with a libel action against William Blackwood & Sons, heard on 20 May 1912].
(Untitled), 30 Dec 1901
WSC's Commission as Captain in the Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars.
(Untitled), 02 Feb 1906
Letter from Colonel Sir Robert Hermon-Hodge, (later Lord Wyfold), Oxfordshire Hussars, to WSC, declining invitation to attend Henley Squadron Ball, and offering congratulations on WSC's success with the Squadron.