Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)
- Existence: 1874 - 1965
Found in 212 Collections and/or Records:
Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence A-B., Nov 1945 - Dec 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/52A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Prime Minister Clement Attlee (3); Paul Beards [Assistant Private Secretary to Attlee]; Admiral of the Fleet 1st Lord Chatfield (2), General Admiral Conrad Albrecht (2), and Leslie Rowan [Principal Private Secretary to Attlee] (3) on pensions for German war veterans; James Stuart [Chief Opposition Whip] (4); 1st Lord Altrincham [earlier Sir Edward Grigg] (2); Julian Amery on completing J L Garvin's life of Joseph Chamberlain; Bhimrao Ambedkar (2) (see CHUR 2/52A/41);...
Nov 1945 - Dec 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence A-C., Jun 1950 - Oct 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/113A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Richard Acland on the "Churchill Arch" in the House of Commons; Commander Peter Agnew withdrawing his candidacy at Ormskirk [Lancashire]; Patrick Kinna (Foreign Office); representatives of the Conservative Research Department including [Richard] Michael Fraser [later Lord Fraser of Kilmorack] (4); Garry Allighan on his expulsion from the House of Commons; Cuthbert Alport; Leo Amery on Persian [Iranian] oil; 1st Lord Woolton [earlier Frederick Marquis, Chairman,...
Jun 1950 - Oct 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence H-L., May 1947 - Dec 1949
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/83A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Arthur Henderson [later Lord Rowley, Secretary of State for Air] on war graves (2); James Thomas [later 1st Lord Cilcennin, Vice-Chairman of Conservative and Unionist Party] (2); Stephen Pierssene [General Director, Conservative and Unionist Central Office]; Major George Herbert (2); Humphry Berkeley, Conservative Political Centre; Lord Hinchingbrooke [later 10th Lord Sandwich and Victor Montagu] on estimates; Christopher Hollis and Sir James Hawkey, Chairman of...
May 1947 - Dec 1949
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Press cuttings etc., 03 Feb 1938 - 20 Dec 1938
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/355
Scope and Contents
Press cuttings from British and American newspapers, with reports of statements, speeches and letters by individuals including: Sir Samuel Hoare [later 1st Lord Templewood], Home Secretary, on the need for ARP training; Sir Thomas Inskip [later 1st Lord Caldecote], Minister for Co-ordination of Defence, on aircraft production, particularly by "shadow" car factories; Neville Chamberlain [Prime Minister] on progress in rearmament and a call for national unity, including a transcript of his...
03 Feb 1938 - 20 Dec 1938
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Baruch - Beaverbrook., Jul 1951 - Jan 1965
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/519A-C
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: "Bernie" [Bernard Baruch] on various subjects including arrangements to meet WSC, disarmament, the Cold War and atomic weapons, NATO, requests to publish excerpts from letters from WSC, racehorses and his memoirs (36); Donald Logan, Assistant Private Secretary to Foreign Secretary, on a gift from Baruch; William Buckley of Henry Holt and Company Incorporated on Baruch's memoirs; [6th Lord] Bath [earlier Lord Weymouth] on items for his Churchill museum (4); Christofor,...
Jul 1951 - Jan 1965
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence D - E., 04 Jan 1946 - 17 Dec 1948
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/148
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Edouard Daladier; Sir William Darling on Elbert Hubbard's "A Message to Garcia", and using a recording of a speech by WSC (5); 1st Lord Davidson; "Clem", Clement Davies; William Deakin [literary assistant to WSC] on subjects including ["The Second World War"] (10); Kenneth de Courcy; General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (5); "Buck", 9th Lord de la Warr [earlier Lord Buckhurst] (2); Filippo del Giudice, Managing Director, Pilgrim Pictures Limited (4); 6th Lord De L'Isle...
04 Jan 1946 - 17 Dec 1948
Conditions Governing Access:
Open, except for folios 314 - 321, closed under S40 and S41(1) of the Freedom of Information Act on advice from the Cabinet Office. Review date: 1 Jan 2022.
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence D - G., 30 Jun 1946 - 06 Jun 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/162
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Helen, Lady D'Abernon (3); Arthur Christiansen, [Editor], Daily Express (2); Sir Clifford Norton, British Ambassador to Greece, on the funeral of Archbishop Damaskinos, former Regent of Greece; Archbishop Damaskinos on his gratitude to WSC; Charles de Gaulle on WSC's treatment of him in ["The Second World War"]; 18th Lord Derby [earlier Lord Stanley] on racing; "Ettie", Ethel, Lady Desborough (6); Sir Humphrey de Trafford on racing; Andre de Staercke, on the staff of...
30 Jun 1946 - 06 Jun 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Da - Don., 28 Mar 1951 - 10 May 1961
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/184
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Esmond [2nd Lord Rothermere, earlier Esmond Harmsworth, Chairman, Daily Mail]; Hugh Cudlipp, Editorial Director, Daily Mirror; Colin Coote [Managing Editor, Daily Telegraph] on the Telegraph's centenary; Michael Berry [later 1st Lord Hartwell, Chairman, Daily Telegraph] (2); Stella Daly (4); Sir Norman Brook [later 1st Lord Normanbrook, Secretary to the Cabinet] on WSC's involvement in the "bouncing bomb"; Josephine, Lady Daresbury (2); Sir William Darling (2); Olive,...
28 Mar 1951 - 10 May 1961
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence E - M., 09 Feb 1944 - 02 Jan 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/141A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Anthony Eden on not accepting the order of the garter, building up the Conservative Front Bench and broadening the party's appeal (2); Dwight Eisenhower [Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force in Western Europe] on finding United States accommodation for WSC on the Riviera [France] and on a statement concerning the crisis in January 1945 over pulling troops out of Alsace (3); Frank Cook [Charge d'Affaires, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia] on the gift of a picture from...
09 Feb 1944 - 02 Jan 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence H - J., 02 Nov 1948 - 30 Jan 1952
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/170
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: 2nd Lord Hailsham, earlier Quintin Hogg, [later Lord Hailsham of Marylebone] on the death of his father [1st Lord Hailsham, earlier Sir Douglas Hogg]; Joyce Hall, President, Hallmark Cards, on floods in Kansas City [United States]; Nina, Duchess of Hamilton and Brandon [President, Animal Defence and Anti- Vivisection Society] on cruelty to animals (4); Samuel Hammersley, former Tank expert, Ministry of Supply, on the suggestion that he should have been Tank Adviser to...
02 Nov 1948 - 30 Jan 1952
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Ha - Hor., 19 Nov 1951 - 24 Dec 1959
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/189
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Charles Hendriks (2); King Haakon VII of Norway (4); Sir Michael Wright [British Ambassador to Norway]; Per Preben Prebensen, Norwegian Ambassador to Britain, asking WSC to write the introduction to a biography on King Haakon (2); Patrick, 1st Lord Hailes [earlier Patrick Buchan-Hepburn] on press hostility to his appointment as Governor-General of the West Indies, the poor Conservative performance in by-elections, the Federation movement and elections in the West...
19 Nov 1951 - 24 Dec 1959
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence, Haile Selassie - Hearst., Mar 1958 - Dec 1964
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/525
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia (7); Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone [earlier Quintin Hogg] (2); Joyce Hall, President of Hallmark Cards on subjects including the 'People to People' programme, gifts to WSC, a meeting with Hailsham, Oscar Nemon, the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to the United States, a Churchill museum and a project to microfilm WSC's papers (25); Conrad Knickerbocker, Manager of Public Relations at Hallmark Cards on the loan of films to WSC (4);...
Mar 1958 - Dec 1964
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence M - Q., 31 Oct 1945 - 27 Jan 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/153A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: William Mabane [Director, Kemsley Newspapers] asking if WSC could contribute to the Sunday Chronicle on United Europe and fears of a Socialist State; Marjorie Madan on publishing quotations from WSC (4); Stuart Mais on dedicating a book to WSC; 1st Lord Margesson; Louis Marin, member, French National Assembly; Reginald Marnham [WSC's neighbour] (4); Douglas Marshall, MP for Bodmin [Cornwall] conveying greetings from his constituency; John Martin [former Private...
31 Oct 1945 - 27 Jan 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence N - O., 03 May 1946 - 23 Oct 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/174
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Margaret Nairn; Princess Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (earlier Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands] on gifts of books from WSC (5); Queen Juliana of the Netherlands on making WSC godfather to her daughter (7); Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (3); CSC (2); Baron Adolph Bentinck [Minister of the Netherlands in London]; Michiels van Verduynen, Netherlands Ambassador to Britain (3); 6th Lord Clarendon [earlier Lord Hyde], Lord Chamberlain, on Queen Juliana's state...
03 May 1946 - 23 Oct 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence O - R., 01 Nov 1945 - 22 Dec 1949
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/164
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Ridley Pakenham-Walsh [former literary assistant to WSC] on General Douglas MacArthur's view of WSC's achievement in holding back the Allied invasion of Europe; 5th Duke of Palmella, Portuguese Ambassador to Britain; George Paynter (3); 1st Lord Portal of Hungerford, President, Ex-Services Welfare Society; CSC on Portal; 1st Lord Portal of Laverstoke; 11th Lord Queensberry [earlier Lord Drumlanrig] on correspondence between WSC and Lord Alfred Douglas in his book...
01 Nov 1945 - 22 Dec 1949
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Ros - Ry., 01 Apr 1946 - 28 Aug 1958
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/197
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Alan Hodge, Joint Editor, History Today, on WSC writing the preface to a paper by 5th Lord Rosebery (3); 6th Lord Rosebery [earlier Lord Dalmeny] on his father's papers (7); Lewis Rosenstiel on subjects including gifts of cigars and whisky for WSC (11); Bernard Baruch; 2nd Lord Rothermere [earlier Esmond Harmsworth, Chairman, Daily Mail] on subjects including WSC's retirement (5); Anthony de Rothschild; John Graham [Assistant Private Secretary to the Foreign...
01 Apr 1946 - 28 Aug 1958
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Sa., 28 Apr 1948 - 12 Oct 1959
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/198
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Emir Zeid [Iraqi Ambassador to Britain]; [? Nourias Said, Prime Minister of Iraq]; 2nd Lord St Aldwyn [earlier Lord Quenington]; "Bobbety", 5th Lord Salisbury [earlier Lord Cranborne], Leader of the House of Lords and Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, on subjects including Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Salisbury himself being unable to continue at the Commonwealth Relations Office, the de-nationalization of steel, appointing a deputy Foreign...
28 Apr 1948 - 12 Oct 1959
Conditions Governing Access:
Open except folios 14-16 which are closed under S37(1), S40 and S41(1) of the Freedom of Information Act on advice from the Cabinet Office. Review 2027.
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence V - Z., 24 Jun 1951 - 10 Oct 1962
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/202A-C
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sarita, Lady Vansittart on the death of 1st Lord Vansittart; Baron D van Lynden, Dutch Embassy, on a bust of WSC by Wilhelm Verbon for Rotterdam [the Netherlands] (4); Margaret, Duchess of Buccleuch [earlier Margaret, Lady Dalkeith] on the bust (3); General Robert Astier de Villatte; Elaine [? Hunter, earlier Elaine Villiers and Elaine Guest]; Vivienne Entwistle, on photographs of WSC; Nathalie, Countess Volpi; Anthony Kendall [British Consul, Venice, Italy]; Lady...
24 Jun 1951 - 10 Oct 1962
Conditions Governing Access:
Open except folio 421 which has been closed on the instructions of the Royal Archives under sections 40 and 41(1) of the Freedom of Information Act. Review 2027.
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence W - Z., 15 Nov 1945 - 26 Sep 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/178
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Cecil Wakeley, President, Royal College of Surgeons; [Alfred] Walford and Olive Walford (2); Sir Alexander Walker; Sophie, Lady Wavertree [Sophie Fisher] on subjects including racing and gifts of WSC's books (5); Sir Simon Marks; Sumner Welles; 16th Lady Wentworth [earlier Judith Blunt-Lytton]; "Bendor" [2nd Duke of Westminster] (7); Sir Charles Davis, Lord Mayor of London; Sir Norman Brook [later 1st Lord Normanbrook, Secretary to the Cabinet] on a memorial...
15 Nov 1945 - 26 Sep 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence with Field-Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery., 15 Feb 1943 - 18 Nov 1957
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/143
Scope and Contents
Subjects include: Alamein dinners and reunions; Montgomery's book ["El Alamein to the River Sangro"]; pamphlets by Montgomery on military matters; bringing Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel to battle (February 1943); Montgomery's book "Ten Chapters"; political and military problems in post-war Egypt; mis-statements in Alan Moorehead's biography of Montgomery on WSC's part in the dismissal of Field-Marshal Archibald Wavell and in the D-Day landings; the mutual respect between WSC and Stalin;...
15 Feb 1943 - 18 Nov 1957
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Royal Navy and Fleet Air Arm., 11 Feb 1936 - 21 Dec 1936
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/272
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: 1st Lord Lloyd [of Dolobran, President of the Navy League] on WSC speaking to the League (2); Sir John Thornycroft [President and Director, J I Thornycroft and Company Limited] on his firm's designs for an aircraft carrier and anti-submarine craft and cuts in the shipbuilding industry (with a description of the anti-submarine craft); Maitland Boucher [former member of the Naval Air Division] on meeting WSC about the Fleet Air Arm (3); Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald...
11 Feb 1936 - 21 Dec 1936
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Visits and invitations: Paris, Brussels and Antwerp (November 1945)., 13 Oct 1945 - 04 Apr 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/222
Scope and Contents
Correspondents on WSC's visit to France and Belgium include: 1st Lord Cunningham [Chief of Naval Staff] on transport for WSC (2); Sir Hughe Knatchbull-Hugessen, British Ambassador to Belgium, on the risks of appearing to support Leopold, King of Belgium, WSC's speech to the Belgian Parliament, and the programme for the visit (9); Edward [Duke of Windsor, earlier Edward Prince of Wales and King Edward VIII]; 13th Lord Reay [earlier Aeneas Mackay], Foreign Office (3); Duff Cooper [later 1st...
13 Oct 1945 - 04 Apr 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes., 05 Mar 1952 - 26 Jun 1952
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/47A-B
Scope and Contents
Speech notes, typescript and galley proofs for WSC's speech (5 March, House of Commons) entitled "Defence" on subjects including: WSC's resignation as Minister of Defence; the Conservatives' voting on defence while in Opposition; the short-fall of defence spending; aid from the United States; the scarcity of home defence, and the training of new forces, including the registration of the Home Guard and forming of new battalions; the extension of National Service; armoured forces and new...
05 Mar 1952 - 26 Jun 1952
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and Hansard., 17 Jan 1953 - 25 Mar 1953
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/50A-B
Scope and Contents
Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (17 January, Kingston, Jamaica) on his presentation with the key to the city, the island's recovery from a hurricane and the re-forming of the West India Regiment.Speech notes for WSC's speech (30 January, Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster Abbey [London]) entitled "Westminster Abbey Appeal" on the abbey's role as a focus for Britain's faith and history, its part in the beginnings of Government and the work needed to preserve it. Published: Complete...
17 Jan 1953 - 25 Mar 1953
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and Hansard., 01 Feb 1954 - 30 Apr 1954
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/53A-E
Scope and Contents
Speech notes and copies of Hansard for WSC's speech (1 February, House of Commons) entitled "Adoption of a New Army Rifle", on the difficult transition period between research and mass production of a new weapon, the .280 rifle, the importance of standardization of armaments among the members of NATO, the results of the Labour Government's choice of different ammunition from the rest of NATO, and the new agreement on a common ammunition, choosing a Belgian rifle over the British make, and...
01 Feb 1954 - 30 Apr 1954
Conditions Governing Access: