Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)
- Existence: 1874 - 1965
Found in 250 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 09 Jan 1922
Letter from [WSC] to Lord Riddell [earlier Sir George Riddell] thanking him for a Christmas box of cigars and praising his handling of the American press at the Washington Conference on disarmament.
(Untitled), 30 Aug 1922
Letter from WSC to Frederick Guest expressing regret that he (WSC) is not fit enough to play polo, and asking for background information, particularly on the figures relating to the Coalition Liberals and the number of Ulster [Ireland] members, in Guests's estimate of the General Election, which [David Lloyd George] thinks is too optimistic. Carbon copy.
(Untitled), 09 Sep 1910
(Untitled), 23 Aug [1910]
(Untitled), 31 May [1914]
Minute from WSC [First Lord of the Admiralty], to the Director of the Air Division, Admiralty, [Captain Murray Sueter] asking for a dual Maurice Farman aircraft to be sent to Eastchurch [Kent], on the following Tuesday, and that two skilful flyers should "get thoroughly acquainted with her", stating that he hoped to use the aircraft himself on the Thursday. [Carbon].
(Untitled), 03 May 1924
Letter from C H H Burleigh (7 Wilbury Crescent, Hove, Sussex) to [Maurice Bonham Carter] asking whether he could choose two or three of WSC's pictures for the Brighton Autumn Exhibition. Sent with CHAR 2/133/14.
(Untitled), 25 Jan 1926
Letter from Edward Marsh to E H Francis (The Expert Cigarette Company) stating that WSC does not smoke cigarettes and therefore cannot patronise Francis's company. Carbon typescript copy.
(Untitled), 17 Sep 1935
Letter from Sir Abe Bailey (38 Bryanston Square [London]) to WSC, commenting on his painting, and asking him to write to 17th Lord Derby [earlier Lord Stanley] in order to "square things with him". Bailey adds that he doesn't see anything but trouble for Italy and Abyssinia [later Ethiopia], as Benito Mussolini will have trouble climbing down. Manuscript.
(Untitled), 01 Aug 1935 - 02 Aug 1935
Letter from WSC to Maurice Petherick, sending a cheque in settlement of a wager [that the India Bill would pass during the session including the Federal System]; further copies sent to Arthur Crossley and Richard Law [later 1st Lord Coleraine]; includes notes by Violet Pearman and WSC.
(Untitled), 10 Aug 1935
Letter from the Private Secretary to Arthur Crossley, to [Violet Pearman, Private Secretary to WSC], acknowledging receipt of WSC's cheque for 4 pounds [in settlement of a wager that the India Bill would pass during the session including the Federal System].
(Untitled), 16 Aug 1927
Letter from [Clarice Fisher] to Edward Rosslyn Mitchell stating that WSC does not think his paintings are good enough for exhibition. Carbon typescript copy.
(Untitled), 12 Aug 1927
Letter from Edward Rosslyn Mitchell (138 West George Street, Glasgow, [Scotland]) to WSC conveying the request of the Paisley Art Club that he loan two of his paintings for their annual exhibition.
(Untitled), 13 May 1927
Letter from Edward Marsh to Arthur Quigley conveying WSC's regret that he does not think his (WSC's) pictures are good enough for public exhibition. Carbon typescript copy.
(Untitled), 10 May 1927
Letter from Arthur Quigley (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool) to WSC inviting him to contribute pictures for the gallery's autumn exhibition and enclosing CHAR 2/152/14 and CHAR 2/152/15.
(Untitled), 09 Jun 1927
Letter from WSC (Chartwell) to Hazel, Lady Lavery thanking her for information about E Blythe's campaign [see CHAR 2/152/91], expressing delight that Sir John Lavery is progressing and reporting that he is trying to paint the Palladian Bridge at Wilton [Wiltshire]. Typescript copy.
(Untitled), 28 Nov 1913
Letter from John Seely [Secretary of State for War, later 1st Lord Mottistone] (Blatchington House, Seaford, Sussex), to WSC [First Lord of the Admiralty] regretting that no honour could be given to Captain Godfrey Paine, [Commandant] of the Central Flying School. Seely also looks forward to going flying with WSC.
(Untitled), 12 Jul 1945
Telegram from John Colville [Prime Minister's Private Secretary] (Biarritz [France]) to Private Office passing on message from WSC to John S Churchill asking him to let him know how he is feeling and stating that he has been doing a little painting. Carbon copy. Annotated with John's reply.
(Untitled), 24 Jul 1945
Letter from WSC (23, Ring Strasse, Potsdam [Berlin, Germany]) to Brigadier-General Raymond Brutinel thanking him for his kindness and hospitality during WSC's stay at Bordaberry [Hendaye, France]: Stating that, "I think you know what it meant to me to have a quiet, restful holiday - my first since the War - in such charming surroundings" and referring to the fact that he was once again able "to enjoy the relaxation of painting" [carbon].
(Untitled), 15 Jun 1945
Letter from WSC to Major John Dodge stating that his literature is first rate [carbon].
(Untitled), 19 Jun 1945
Letter from WSC to Major R Baker (Film Renters Society) thanking him and his Society for making so many films available to the Ministry of Information for him to see: "They have given me much pleasure and relaxation during the hard times through which we have passed." [carbon].
(Untitled), 11 Jul 1945
Letter from WSC (Chateau Bordaberry, Near Hendaye, B.P. [France]) to Lord Beaverbrook [earlier Sir Max Aitken] recommending that he read "La Verite sur L'Armistice" by Albert Kammerer and especially the part dealing with their visit to Tours [carbon].
(Untitled), 20 Feb 1945
Letter from John Martin [Prime Minister's Principal Private Secretary] to Anthony Brooke marked "private" thanking him for the book "Who Dies Fighting" which reached him in the Crimea [Yalta, Soviet Union] , and commenting that WSC has expressed an interest in reading it [carbon].
(Untitled), 22 Feb 1945
(Untitled), 11 Jul 1945
Letter from WSC (Chateau Bordaberry, Near Hendaye [France]) to Lord Beaverbrook [earlier Max Aitken, Lord Privy Seal] advising him to read "La Verite sur L'Armistice" by Albert Kammerer "especially the part which deals with our visit to Tours" [carbon].