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Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)



  • Existence: 1874 - 1965

Found in 17 Collections and/or Records:


Literary: Collier's magazine articles by WSC., Jan 1939 - Sep 1939

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/653A-B
Scope and Contents Includes proofs and cuttings from Collier's for: "Let the Tyrant Criminals Bomb" (British title "The Balance of Air Power") on German and British air strength in the 1930s, the threat of air attacks on ships, and the use of bombing against civilians; "War - Now or Never" (British title "Will There Be War [in Europe - and When?]") on the nature of the Nazi and Italian regimes, their financial needs, the growth of the German army and munitions programme, and the state of the RAF (with some...
Dates: Jan 1939 - Sep 1939
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

Literary: correspondence with consultants and others on WSC's war memoirs ("The Second World War", mainly volumes 1 to 4), A-L., Sep 1946 - Mar 1949

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/22
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: [George Gordon] Allen (6); William Deakin (5); Prime Minister Clement Attlee on House of Commons' questions on German invasion plans in 1940; Eva, Lady Keyes, on 1st Lord Keyes and King Leopold of Belgium (2); Arthur Birse [one of WSC's wartime interpreters] on WSC's talks with Marshal Stalin in 1942; Alfred Bossom; Sir Edward Bridges [Secretary to the Cabinet until 1946] (4); Sir Philip Morris [later 1st Lord Morris of Kenwood]; Sir George Bull; Ronald Fraser,...
Dates: Sep 1946 - Mar 1949
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: correspondence with consultants and others on WSC's war memoirs ("The Second World War", mainly volumes 1 to 4), J-Pownall., Jan 1946 - Apr 1950

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/20A-B
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: R V Jones on bombing science (4); Lieutenant-General Wladyslaw Anders [former Commander, Polish forces in Iran and Palestine] on the Katyn [Soviet Union] massacre; Denis Kelly [WSC's literary assistant] (7); William Deakin (10); Daniel Longwell [editor of Life Magazine]; Frank Rye on the Westminster by-election [1924]; "Bill", 1st Lord Camrose [earlier Sir William Berry, Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Telegraph]; 1st Lord Portal [of Hungerford, earlier Sir Charles...
Dates: Jan 1946 - Apr 1950
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: Sunday Dispatch articles by WSC: 1., 07 Jan 1940 - 25 Feb 1940

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/665
Scope and Contents Includes cuttings from the Sunday Dispatch for: "My Secret Tank Plans were Missing" on WSC's experiences at "Plugstreet" (Ploegsteert [Belgium]) during World War I, being shelled and thinking he had lost some secret tank plans; "My 17 Fateful Hours with Clemenceau" on being sent by [David] Lloyd George to see [Georges] Clemenceau on the Western Front, and his opinions of [Field Marshal Ferdinand] Foch and [General Lord] Rawlinson; "I Compel Lawrence of Arabia [T E Lawrence, later T E Shaw]...
Dates: 07 Jan 1940 - 25 Feb 1940
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

Literary: "The Second World War", Volume 1 "The Gathering Storm": Various material., 23 Nov 1934 - 07 Jul 1948

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/143A-B
Scope and Contents Includes notes and correspondence on research and corrections for Volume 1 of "The Second World War", from individuals including: General Alphonse Georges on the French Air Force, 1930 - 1940; Alan Gomme-Duncan [earlier Alan Duncan]; Michael Joy, Foreign Office; Sir Orme Sargent [Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] on records of Soviet support for the Allies in 1938; Richard Law [later 1st Lord Coleraine] on meetings with WSC concerning Soviet support in 1938; 1st Lord...
Dates: 23 Nov 1934 - 07 Jul 1948
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "The Second World War", Volume 2 "Their Finest Hour": Appendices., Oct 1940 - 27 Dec 1948

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/179A-I
Scope and Contents Includes typescript and galley proofs of the appendices to Volume 2 including: Appendix A "Minutes and Telegrams, May - December 1940"; Appendix B "Loss by Enemy Action of British, Allied and Neutral Merchant Tonnage"; Appendix D "Correspondence Relating to Dakar [Senegal] between Mr Churchill and Mr [Robert] Menzies" [Prime Minister of Australia]; Appendix E "List of Operational Code Names"; Appendix F "List of Abbreviations". The proofs are annotated with suggested amendments and...
Dates: Oct 1940 - 27 Dec 1948
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "The Second World War", Volume 2 "Their Finest Hour": Book 2 and appendices: 'Final' proofs., 16 Aug 1948 - 21 Feb 1949

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/183A-B
Scope and Contents Includes typescript and galley proofs of: contents tables for Book 2; Chapter 16 "The Battle of Britain"; Chapter 17 "The Blitz"; Chapter 18 "'London Can Take It'"; Chapter 19 "The Wizard War"; Chapter 20 "United States Destroyers and West Indian Bases"; Chapter 21 "Egypt and the Middle East"; Chapter 22 "The Mediterranean Passage"; Chapter 23 "September Tensions"; Chapter 24 "Dakar" [Senegal]; Chapter 13 "At Bay" (provisionally entitled "Alone"); Appendix A "Minutes and Telegrams, May -...
Dates: 16 Aug 1948 - 21 Feb 1949
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "The Second World War", Volume 2 "Their Finest Hour": Book 2 and Appendices: Master copy proofs., 06 Dec 1948 - 21 Dec 1948

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/181A-B
Scope and Contents Includes galley proofs of: contents tables for Book 2; Chapter 16 "The Battle of Britain"; Chapter 17 "The Blitz"; Chapter 18 "'London Can Take It'"; Chapter 19 "The Wizard War"; Chapter 20 "United States Destroyers and West Indian Bases"; Chapter 21 "Egypt and the Middle East"; Chapter 22 "The Mediterranean Passage"; Chapter 23 "September Tensions"; Chapter 24 "Dakar" [Senegal]; Chapter 25 "Mr Eden's Mission" [Anthony Eden, later 1st Lord Avon, Secretary of State for War]; Chapter 26...
Dates: 06 Dec 1948 - 21 Dec 1948
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "The Second World War", Volume 2 "Their Finest Hour": Book 2 and appendices: Proofs for William Deakin., 21 Aug 1948 - 30 Nov 1948

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/192A-C
Scope and Contents Includes galley proofs of: contents tables for Book 2; Chapter 16 "The Battle of Britain"; Chapter 17 "The Blitz"; Chapter 18 "'London Can Take It'"; Chapter 19 "The Wizard War"; Chapter 20 "United States Destroyers and West Indian Bases"; Chapter 21 "Egypt and the Middle East"; Chapter 22 "The Mediterranean Passage"; Chapter 23 "September Tensions"; Chapter 24 "Dakar" [Senegal]; Chapter 25 "Mr Eden's Mission" [Anthony Eden, later 1st Lord Avon, Secretary of State for War]; Chapter 26...
Dates: 21 Aug 1948 - 30 Nov 1948
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "The Second World War", Volume 2 "Their Finest Hour": Notes and comments by Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Pownall., 02 Mar 1941 - 16 Jun 1949

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/196A-C
Scope and Contents Includes notes and comments by Pownall on subjects including: factual and printing errors throughout Volume 2; the build-up to the German attack on the Soviet Union; the build-up to "Dynamo" [codename for the evacuation of Allied forces from Dunkirk, France]; the British Expedition Force; the meeting between 6th Lord Gort [Commander-in-Chief of British Field Force, earlier John Vereker] and General Maxime Weygand [Commander-in-Chief, French Army], May 1940; British casualties; the defence of...
Dates: 02 Mar 1941 - 16 Jun 1949
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Defence: Correspondence and papers., 09 Jan 1937 - 23 Feb 1938

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/302
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Philip Gibbs on the inefficiency of the RAF; Sir Eustace Tennyson d'Eyncourt [former Vice-President of the Tank Board] (2); Sir William Beveridge [Director of London School of Economics and Political Science]; Oswald Frewen on working with German and Italian sailors, German fanaticism, Italian aid to Franco and how the policies of Neville Chamberlain [Prime Minister] encourage Germany and Italy; Leo Amery; Basil Liddell Hart; Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald Henderson...
Dates: 09 Jan 1937 - 23 Feb 1938
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Defence: Correspondence etc., 12 Jan 1936 - 27 Nov 1936

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/266A-B
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Basil Liddell Hart [Military Correspondent to the Times] on the troop system used in India; "Harold R" [1st Lord Rothermere, earlier Sir Harold Harmsworth] on subjects including 1st Lord Weir's position in defence [as Adviser to the Air Ministry], the likely stop to any battleship programme, pilot training, the likelihood of a quick German victory against Britain and France, German contempt for the British Government, and the Government's refusal to discuss the...
Dates: 12 Jan 1936 - 27 Nov 1936
Conditions Governing Access: Open, (folio 93 opened as a 'sanitised' photocopy, original closed on advice of Cabinet Office).

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 06 Nov 1951 - 22 Dec 1951

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/45A-C
Scope and Contents Speech notes and extract from Hansard for WSC's speech (6 November, House of Commons) for the debate on the address, on subjects including: the political divisions in the country; the charge of war-mongering laid against the Conservatives, and the need for steady government; the restoration of university representation in Parliament; the repeal of the Iron and Steel Nationalization Act; future parliamentary business, including the defence debate; keeping the Minister of Education out of the...
Dates: 06 Nov 1951 - 22 Dec 1951
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 01 Jul 1952 - 20 Sep 1952

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/48A-B
Scope and Contents Speech notes for WSC's speech (1 July, House of Commons) entitled "The Korean War" on subjects including the early demoralization of Communist forces in Korea, then the success of their negotiations and rebuilt forces; the heavy costs suffered by Britain and the United States during the armistice; harm caused by anti-American feeling in Parliament; the treatment and exchange of prisoners of war, including forcing anti-Communist soldiers to return to China or North Korea; Labour's motion of...
Dates: 01 Jul 1952 - 20 Sep 1952
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons: speech notes and other material., 21 Feb 1939 - 27 Apr 1939

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/134A-B
Scope and Contents Notes for WSC's speech (21 February) on the defence loan, aircraft production, delays in rearmament, creating a Ministry of Supply, co-operation with France, and mobilisation in the event of a war. Also includes relevant extract from Hansard. Published: Complete Speeches VI pp 6064-71.Notes for WSC's speech (14 March) on the army estimates, German war preparedness, arming the territorial army, and numbers assigned for possible overseas service. Also includes relevant extract from Hansard....
Dates: 21 Feb 1939 - 27 Apr 1939
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 19 Jul 1944 - 08 Aug 1944

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/200A-B
Scope and Contents Speech notes for WSC's statement (2 August) on the war situation including: successes against Germany and Japan world-wide including the Far East; decisions made at the Quebec [Canada] conference; the Normandy landings; RAF losses; the tanks supplied by the United States and praise for the Sherman and Churchill tanks; the progress of General Sir Harold Alexander [Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies in Italy]; his hopes of victory; flying bombs and the evacuation of London; improved...
Dates: 19 Jul 1944 - 08 Aug 1944
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons: speech notes and source material., 22 Feb 1938 - 24 Mar 1938

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/128
Scope and Contents Notes for WSC's speech (22 February) on [Anthony] Eden's [later 1st Lord Avon] resignation as Foreign Secretary, Eden's achievements, relations with Italy, and past foreign policy mistakes, which includes the phrase "This has been a good week for Dictators". Source material includes text from the Daily Telegraph on the Italian view of Eden, and a cutting on German reaction to international press criticism. Published: Complete Speeches VI pp 5911-7.Rough notes for WSC's speech (28 February)...
Dates: 22 Feb 1938 - 24 Mar 1938
Conditions Governing Access: Open