Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)
- Existence: 1874 - 1965
Found in 292 Collections and/or Records:
Diary, 1941
Diary, 1942
Diary, 1943
Diary, 1945
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 8 [eventually entitled "The First British Empire" and included in volume 3, "The Age of Revolution"] and other sections of the book: various pre-war proofs [with a few later notes]., [1938] - [1955]
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 8, "The First British Empire" [eventually included in volume 3, "The Age of Revolution"]: various post-war revises., 1954 - Jan 1957
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 9, "The French Challenge and the Second British Empire" [eventually entitled "Napoleon" and included in volume 3, "The Age of Revolution"]: various post-war revises., Nov 1954 - Jan 1957
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 9, "The French Challenge and the Second British Empire" [eventually entitled "Napoleon" and included in volume 3, "The Age of Revolution"]: various pre-war proofs., [1938] - [1945]
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 11, "The Great Republic" [eventually included in volume 4, "The Great Democracies"]: various post-war revises., Nov 1954 - Jan 1957
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 11, "The Great Republic" [eventually included in volume 4, "The Great Democracies"]: various pre-war proofs., [1938] - [1945]
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 12, "The Victorian Age" [eventually included in volume 4, "The Great Democracies"]: various revises., 1956 - Jan 1957
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": correspondence., 09 Sep 1940 - 16 Oct 1941
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": digests of various sources collected in the production of the book for sections on "Liberty, Sovereignty, and the Civil War", "The First British Empire", "Character of the People in the Age of Shakespeare", "Scotland and Ireland up to 1760", "Tory and Whig England (1660-1742)", "Party and Cabinet Government, 1660-1782", "World Power, 1689-1763", "Protestants and Puritans", "Commerce, Sea Power, and Discovery", "Language and Literature till the Birth of Shakespeare", "The New State", "The Laws of America, 1775-83", "America 1763-74", "The New Age, 1760-1792", and "The Industrial Revolution, Phase 1"., [1938] - [1945]
Literary: "A history of the English-Speaking Peoples": draft proofs, folios 1658 - 1737., 1938 - 1939
53 folios of handwritten notes on Henry VIII by John Wheldon [former literary assistant to WSC], annotated by WSC. Annotated typescript of chapters on the American Civil War, 1862 - 1864.
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": miscellaneous notes, correspondence on the content and production of the book, and other material., 1938 - 1956
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": Vol 2, Bk 4., 01 Jan 1938 - 31 Dec 1945
Various versions of galley proofs for chapter 1 finally entitled "The round world".Annotated by WSC.
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": Vol 2, Bk 5., 01 Jan 1938 - 31 Dec 1945
Various revisions of galley proofs for chapter 2 finally entitled "The Mayflower".Annotated by WSC, ?Violet Pearman and William Deakin.
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": Vol 3, Bk 8., 01 Jan 1938 - 31 Dec 1945
Various revisions of galley proofs for chapter 4 finally entitled "The American colonies".Annotated by WSC and ?Violet Pearman.
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": Vol 3, Bk 8., 01 Jan 1938 - 31 Dec 1945
Galley proofs for chapter 5 finally entitled "The first world war".Annotated by WSC, ?Violet Pearman and ?William Deakin.
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": Vol 3, Bk 9., 01 Jan 1938 - 31 Dec 1945
Galley proofs for chapters 2 and 8 finally entitled "The American constitution" and "Washington, Adams and Jefferson".Annotated by WSC and William Deakin.
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": Vol 3, Bks 8 - 9., 01 Jan 1938 - 31 Dec 1945
Various galley proofs for Bk 8 chapters 6 - 8 finally entitled "The quarrel with America", "The war of independence" and "The United States", and for Bk 9 chapter 1 finally entitled "The younger Pitt".Annotated by WSC, ?Violet Pearman and ?William Deakin.
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": volume 2 "1485-1688, The Tudors and the Stuarts" [eventually entitled "The New World"]: superseded version (pre-war proofs) [with later notes and amendments]., [1938] - [1955]
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": volume 3 [eventually entitled "The Age of Revolution"]: corrected proofs from Professor [Denis] Brogan., 1946 - 1954
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": volumes 1-4, "From Earliest Years to 1485", "1485-1688, The Tudors and Stuarts", "Confronting the French, 1689-1815", and "The Nineteenth Century" [eventually entitled "The Birth of Britain", "The New World", "The Age of Revolution", and "The Great Democracies"]: superseded version (pre-war and post-war proofs)., [1938] - 1955
Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": volumes 1 to 4, "The Birth of Britain", "The New World", "The Age of Revolution", and "The Great Democracies": page proofs., 1955 - 1958
Includes loose and bound page proofs for the above volumes, with suggested corrections, amendments, and notes [mainly for volume 1] from various people [secretaries, literary assistants, printers, etc.] or organisations including: "C C W" [Charles Wood], "A H" [Alan Hodge], WSC, [John] Sundell of Cassell [and Company], "D K" [Denis Kelly], Time-Life [International], and [George Gordon] Allen.