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Bittel, Kurt, 1907-1991 (archaeologist)


Found in 4 Collections and/or Records:


Letter from James Stewart in Istanbul re photographing pottery and considering ancient Anatolia-Cyprus connections, 1936-01-29

Reference Code: GBR/3437/AJBW/2/1/24/14
Scope and Contents

Addressed "Stambul', dated 29 January 1936. Stewart is still awaiting a permit from Ankara and discusses the progress - or not - of new antiquities laws. Meanwhile, he is photographing pottery in the Natonal Museum. He believes Vounos (Cyprus) will be a key site for comparison with Anatolian finds. He mentions the death of King George V.

Dates: 1936-01-29

Letter from James Stewart in Troy re Balikesir and Troy pottery sherd comparisons, 1936-04-26

Reference Code: GBR/3437/AJBW/2/1/24/17
Scope and Contents Addressed 'Troy', dated 26 April 1936. Stewart has finished comparing sherds from the Balikesir plain sites and Troy and describes his analysis and interpretations of the results. Eleanor has bought another - Greek islands? - embroidery. He writes of his hopes to excavate in Cyprus (Vounos or Larnaca) next year. Professor Myres has visited Troy. Stewart has some pots (ranging in date from Bronze Age to Byzantine) for restoration for Louis Clarke (then curator of the Museum of Archaeology...
Dates: 1936-04-26

Letter from James Stewart re planning an excavation in Cyprus, 1936-05-21

Reference Code: GBR/3437/AJBW/2/1/24/23
Scope and Contents

Dated 21 May 1936. Probably written in Istanbul. Stewart has some Australian funding for his Cyprus excavation next year. He seeks AJBW's ideas on how best to proceed with planning such an excavation. 'Miss Webb', whom AJBW knows, seeks their help to work in Asia Minor, having been in Greece.

Dates: 1936-05-21

Letter from James Stewart re pots for Cambridge collections and the potential rammifications of the Abyssinia Crisis on excavating in Turkey, 1936-05-19

Reference Code: GBR/3437/AJBW/2/1/24/21
Scope and Contents Dated 19 May 1936. Probably written in Istanbul. The Balikesir dig will in fact proceeed and Bittel will contribute time and equipment to the endeavour. Stewart has purchsed some pots for Cambridge, one of which he discusses in detail at the end of the letter. Dikaios is also sending material from Cyprus to Cambridge. International politics (Abyssinia Crisis) may make make several excavation sites off limits next year, including Troy. He and Eleanor have bought the Armenian embroidery at...
Dates: 1936-05-19

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  • Subject: Cyprus (island) X

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Troy (deserted settlement) 2
Istanbul (inhabited place) 1