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Beau, Adolphe, fl. 1864-1898 (photographer)



  • Existence: fl. 1864 - 1898


Adolphe Beau was an established theatre photographer in London. From 1864 to 1878 he was based at 283 Regent Street. In circa 1868 he purchased Camille Silvy's studio. Beau was also connected with the Westbourne Studio, Kensington Gardens. He also advertised as a 'Manager-intéressé for E.Cox, Sons and Stafford. Bayswater and Brighton' (Pritchard 1994, p.36).

In 1898 Beau offered copies of a photograph entitled 'Sir George Grey, K.C.B., 1861' to the Secretary of the Royal Colonial Institute. Beau stated: 'Having among my negatives of portraits, - (carefully preserved since relinquishing my studio in Regent Street) an excellent likeness of the late Sir George Grey, I believe it might interest many of his friends to know that such portrait is in existence ... Should you wish to see the same, I would be glad to call on you on my next coming to town, at the same time supplying you with any information as to sizes and prices' (letter dated 29 September 1898). How Beau obtained the negative is unknown - the date is certainly incorrect. The same image appears in: Cole, Alfred W. and Noble, Robert (1859), 'Our Portrait Gallery: No. 1. His Excellency Sir George Gray, K.C.B.', 'Cape Monthly Magazine', vol. 5, pp.1-14 (RCS Y3059D/1). It is suggested that this image is probably by Frederick York.


Pritchard, Michael (1994), 'A directory of London photographers 1841-1908'. Watford: PhotoResearch.