Barrow, John, Sir, 1764 - 1848 (1st Baronet, Secretary of the Admiralty)
Found in 547 Collections and/or Records:
Letter from John Barrow to John Pond concerning the payment of bills for chronometers, 1824-04-15
Correspondence between the Admiralty Office and the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, requesting the loan of chronometers for H M Ships. The principal recipient is John Pond; the principal correspondent is John Barrow. Other correspondents include John Croker, Richard S. Dundas, G. Smith, John Franklin and Sir William Edward Parry.
Letter from John Barrow to John Pond concerning the payment of bills for chronometers, 1824-01-13
Correspondence between the Admiralty Office and the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, requesting the loan of chronometers for H M Ships. The principal recipient is John Pond; the principal correspondent is John Barrow. Other correspondents include John Croker, Richard S. Dundas, G. Smith, John Franklin and Sir William Edward Parry.
Letter from John Barrow to John Pond concerning trial chronometer rates, 1826-02-21
Correspondence between the Admiralty Office and the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, requesting the loan of chronometers for H M Ships. The principal recipient is John Pond; the principal correspondent is John Barrow. Other correspondents include John Croker, Richard S. Dundas, G. Smith, John Franklin and Sir William Edward Parry.
Letter from John Barrow to the Admiralty Office, 1822
The letter refers to the award of 100 guineas to Dr Franks for his work in determining the longitude of the island of Madeira.
Letter from John Barrow to Thomas Young, 1829-03-07
The letter requests that John Ulrich's proposed improvements in the construction of a Marine Timekeeper be considered by the Scientific Committee.
Letter from Le Duc Duhamel to Sir John Barrow, 1827-09-04
Six letters and two papers on his method of ascertaining the exact loss or gain of two chronometers, with a related newspaper extract.
Letter from Lieutenant John Budgen to John Barrow, 1828-05-03
Four letters and two proposals concerning Budgen's methods of finding longitude by using altitudes of the sun and moon and of the moon and stars, and his method of finding the apparent time by a single altitude.
Letter from Lieutenant John Budgen to John Barrow, 1828-05-12
Four letters and two proposals concerning Budgen's methods of finding longitude by using altitudes of the sun and moon and of the moon and stars, and his method of finding the apparent time by a single altitude.
Letter from Lieutenant William Hewett of HMS Protector concerning the exchange of two chronometers, 1826-07-09
Sent to John Barrow.
Letter from Peter Lecount to John Barrow, 1821-05-18
Six letters and a related paper.
Letter from Rev. Fearon Fallows to John Barrow, 1823-06-20
Concerning his first catalogue of the principle fixed stars.
Letter from Rev. Fearon Fallows to John Barrow, 1823-09-01
Concerning tables and a plan of the observatory and giving news.
Letter from Rev. Fearon Fallows to John Barrow, 1824-04-04
Originally enclosing auxiliary tables; see [RGO 14/48: 151].
Letter from Rev. Fearon Fallows to John Barrow, 1827-05-10
Enclosing a copy of a letter he had written to Sir Richard Plaskett of the Colonial Office and reporting on his activities at the Cape Observatory from 10 April to 10 May 1827.
Letter from Rev. Fearon Fallows to John Barrow, 1827-05-14
Concerning the acquisition of the land adjoining the Cape Observatory; includes a copy of a letter from Sir Richard Plaskett of the Colonial Office.
Letter from Rev. Fearon Fallows to Sir John Barrow, 1821-09-05
Concerning the best location for the proposed Cape Observatory and including bearings of various points visited in Cape Town.
Letter from Rev. Fearon Fallows to Sir John Barrow, 1823-01-07
Concerning a mistake in his previous report and mentioning that a moth had damaged his telescope, destroying the wires.
Letter listing the prices to be offered for various chronometers, 1830-12-06
Sent from John Barrow to John Pond.
Letter ordering a chronometer by Carter to be opened up, following allegations that Carter had not made the adjustments himself, 1835-02-24
Sent by John Barrow to John Pond.
Letter ordering the examination of all chronometers returned as defective, 1824-06-30
Sent from John Barrow to John Pond.
Letter requesting a chronometer for HMS Andromache under Captain Joseph Nourse, 1821-12-29
Sent from John Barrow to John Pond.
Letter requesting a chronometer for HMS Euryalus under Captain A.W.J. Clifford, 1822-01-12
Sent from John Barrow to John Pond.
Letter requesting an abstract of the performance of a chronometer by Frodsham, 1830-12-11
Sent from John Barrow to John Pond.
Letter requesting the provision of two chronometers to Captain Theed of HMS Scout for delivery to HMS Kangaroo, under William De Mayne, in Jamaica, 1822-02-16
Sent from John Barrow to John Pond.
Letter stating that HMS Primrose would deliver a replacement chronometer to HMS Sybille, 1827-09-21
Sent from John Barrow to John Pond.
Additional filters:
- Subject
- London 93
- Portsmouth 61
- Plymouth 38
- Cape Town 35
- Chatham 31
- Woolwich 22
- Deptford 14
- Mediterranean Sea 13
- Africa 12
- Devonport 10
- East Indies 8
- Jamaica 8
- South America 6
- Spithead 5
- West Indies 5
- Arctic Ocean 4
- Bermuda 4
- Newfoundland 4
- North America 4
- Cape of Good Hope 3
- India 3
- Madeira 3
- Sheerness 3
- Arendal 1
- Australia 1
- Bahamas 1
- Blackheath 1
- Canada 1
- Canary Islands 1
- Chennai 1
- Cork 1
- Cornwall 1
- Cuba 1
- Edinburgh 1
- Enfield 1
- Falmouth 1
- Greenhithe 1
- Grimsby 1
- Halifax 1
- Ireland 1
- Lisbon 1
- Nassau 1
- Parramatta 1
- Rochester 1
- Saint Lawrence (river) 1 + ∧ less