Found in 103 Collections and/or Records:
Public and Political: General: Defence: Correspondence etc., 12 Jan 1936 - 27 Nov 1936
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/266A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Basil Liddell Hart [Military Correspondent to the Times] on the troop system used in India; "Harold R" [1st Lord Rothermere, earlier Sir Harold Harmsworth] on subjects including 1st Lord Weir's position in defence [as Adviser to the Air Ministry], the likely stop to any battleship programme, pilot training, the likelihood of a quick German victory against Britain and France, German contempt for the British Government, and the Government's refusal to discuss the...
12 Jan 1936 - 27 Nov 1936
Conditions Governing Access:
Open, (folio 93 opened as a 'sanitised' photocopy, original closed on advice of Cabinet Office).
Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence A-B., Nov 1945 - Dec 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/52A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Prime Minister Clement Attlee (3); Paul Beards [Assistant Private Secretary to Attlee]; Admiral of the Fleet 1st Lord Chatfield (2), General Admiral Conrad Albrecht (2), and Leslie Rowan [Principal Private Secretary to Attlee] (3) on pensions for German war veterans; James Stuart [Chief Opposition Whip] (4); 1st Lord Altrincham [earlier Sir Edward Grigg] (2); Julian Amery on completing J L Garvin's life of Joseph Chamberlain; Bhimrao Ambedkar (2) (see CHUR 2/52A/41);...
Nov 1945 - Dec 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Political; Correspondence A-B., Dec 1949 - Nov 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/94
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Vyvyan Adams; 1st Lord Altrincham [earlier Sir Edward Grigg]; Waris Ameer Ali on Indo-Pakistani affairs; Leo Amery (4); Sir John Anderson [later 1st Lord Waverley] (3) including 2 on his personal plans; James Thomas [later 1st Lord Cilcennin], Vice-Chairman of Conservative and Unionist Party, on Lady Megan Lloyd George; Nigel Colman, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations; James Harden on being re-elected...
Dec 1949 - Nov 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence A-C., Jun 1947 - Dec 1949
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/67A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Vyvyan Adams (4); Reginald Maudling; 1st Lord Woolton [earlier Frederick Marquis, Chairman, Conservative and Unionist Central Office] (3); Ralph Assheton [later 1st Lord Clitheroe] (3); James Thomas [later 1st Lord Cilcennin, Vice-Chairman of Conservative and Unionist Party] (7); Garry Allighan; Leo Amery (6); John Andrews; Michael Astor; Henry Hopkinson [later 1st Lord Colyton, Head of Conservative Parliamentary Secretariat and Joint Director, Conservative Research...
Jun 1947 - Dec 1949
Conditions Governing Access:
Open, except for folios 166-7 which have been removed on grounds of data protection due to presence of sensitive personal information about living individuals until 1 January 2024.
Public and Political: General: Political: correspondence and papers, mainly from Field Marshal [1st Lord] Montgomery of Alamein [Chief of Imperial General Staff]., Feb 1948 - May 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/31
Scope and Contents
Includes copies of: various notes and memoranda by Montgomery for the War Office or Chiefs of Staff Committee on the British Army, Western European defence, and his 1948 visits to France and Austria; addresses by him to the "Ecole Superieur de Guerre" and senior officers of the Brussels Treaty Powers, Fontainebleau [France].Other correspondents include: Leslie Hore-Belisha sending on notes of his conversation with the Spanish High Commissioner [to Morocco] General Valera and a translation of...
Feb 1948 - May 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence H-M., Mar 1950 - Nov 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/115A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Samuel Hammersley; James Thomas [later 1st Lord Cilcennin, Vice-Chairman of Conservative and Unionist Party] (8); Roy Harrod (3); Patrick Buchan-Hepburn [later 1st Lord Hailes, Conservative Chief Whip] (5); [Arthur] Vere Harvey [later Lord Harvey of Prestbury] on the supply of aircraft and equipment to Egypt; Sir George Harvie Watt and his wife Bettie; James Henderson-Stewart; Michael Higgs on his daughter; Captain Alan Hillgarth [earlier Alan Evans] on Spain; "Bill",...
Mar 1950 - Nov 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Open, except for folios 334-6 which have been removed on grounds of data protection due to presence of sensitive personal information about a living individual until 1 January 2027.
Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence T-Z., Nov 1947 - Dec 1948
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/72A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Iain MacLeod, Conservative Parliamentary Secretariat, on the position of graduate teachers (2); Emanuel Shinwell, Secretary of State for War, (2) and Arthur Henderson [later Lord Rowley], Secretary of State for Air, (2) on recruitment for service auxiliaries and reserves; James Thomas [later 1st Lord Cilcennin, Vice- Chairman of Conservative and Unionist Party] (2); Colin Thornton-Kemsley (2); Reginald Maudling; 6th Lord De L'Isle and Dudley [earlier William Sidney,...
Nov 1947 - Dec 1948
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence T-Z., Jan 1950 - Dec 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/102A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Patrick Buchan-Hepburn [later 1st Lord Hailes, Conservative Chief Whip] (3); James Thomas [later 1st Lord Cilcennin, Vice-Chairman of Conservative and Unionist Party] (6); various representatives of Conservative and Unionist Central Office including George Christ (14); 1st Lord Woolton [earlier Frederick Marquis, Chairman, Conservative and Unionist Central Office] (11); Sir [James] Clifford Tozer on Plymouth [Devon] Fair; Moss Turner-Samuels; Julius Holmes [Minister,...
Jan 1950 - Dec 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Political: Council of Europe correspondence and papers., May 1950 - Feb 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/76A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Prime Minister Clement Attlee (8); Duncan Sandys (2); Harold Macmillan [later 1st Lord Stockton] (7); Priscilla, Lady Tweedsmuir [earlier Lady Grant]; Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi; Erich Ollenhauer, German Socialist; Robert Boothby; Paul-Henri Spaak, President of the Council of Europe. Also includes notes and copies of correspondence from secretaries Lettice Marston [later Lettice Shillingford], Elizabeth Gilliatt, Chips Gemmell, and Jane Portal [later Lady Williams of...
May 1950 - Feb 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Political: Defence: miscellaneous correspondence and papers., Feb 1947 - Sep 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/36
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: A V Alexander [later Lord Alexander of Hillsborough], Minister of Defence [until February 1950] (3); George Ward; Antony Head (3); Arthur Henderson [later Lord Rowley, Secretary of State for Air]; 1st Lord Cherwell [earlier F A Lindemann] (2); Anthony Eden [later 1st Lord Avon]; David Hunt [Private Secretary to Prime Minister Clement Attlee] (2); Captain Alan Hillgarth [earlier Alan Evans] on Soviet forces in Europe and Soviet affairs (7); James Thomas [later 1st Lord...
Feb 1947 - Sep 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Political: European army: correspondence and papers., Aug 1950 - Nov 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/32
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Lewis Douglas [United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom] (3); President Harry Truman; Harold Macmillan [later 1st Lord Stockton] (3); Duncan Sandys (2); Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Pownall; General Charles Mast [French Army]. Also includes notes and copies of correspondence from secretaries Jo Sturdee ("N S") [later Lady Onslow], Chips Gemmell, and Jane Portal [later Lady Williams of Elvel].Subjects include: the level of German, United States, and British...
Aug 1950 - Nov 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 27 Feb 1950 - 28 Mar 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/33A-C
Scope and Contents
Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (7 March, House of Commons) for the debate on the address, on subjects including: the stalemate in the new Parliament and the need for electoral reform; uncertainty until the next election; increasing food production; unemployment; cutting taxation; restoring the value of sterling; repealing the nationalization of the iron and steel industry; enlarging the building trade to solve the housing problem; the risk of Britain being split into Labour and...
27 Feb 1950 - 28 Mar 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 11 Aug 1950 - 19 Sep 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/37A-D
Scope and Contents
Speech notes, typescript and transcript of WSC's speech (11 August, Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg [France]) entitled "European Unity and a European Army" on subjects including: the need for a European Assembly to remain in close contact with European governments and parliaments; the gradual process of building up the European Parliament; guidance to be given to governments on issues such as the Schuman Plan [for the European Coal and Steel Community]; support for...
11 Aug 1950 - 19 Sep 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons: speech notes and other material., 21 Feb 1939 - 27 Apr 1939
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/134A-B
Scope and Contents
Notes for WSC's speech (21 February) on the defence loan, aircraft production, delays in rearmament, creating a Ministry of Supply, co-operation with France, and mobilisation in the event of a war. Also includes relevant extract from Hansard. Published: Complete Speeches VI pp 6064-71.Notes for WSC's speech (14 March) on the army estimates, German war preparedness, arming the territorial army, and numbers assigned for possible overseas service. Also includes relevant extract from Hansard....
21 Feb 1939 - 27 Apr 1939
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons: speech notes and source material., 16 Feb 1933 - 07 Nov 1933
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/103
Scope and Contents
Notes for WSC's speech (22 February) entitled "Broadcasting and political controversy" on the reporting of political affairs and the BBC. Source material includes minutes of a meeting of the Doran Committee on the BBC. Published: Complete Speeches V pp 5221-4.Rough notes for WSC's speech (14 March) on air estimates, criticising the disarmament conference at Geneva [Switzerland] and arguing for a strong British air force. Published: Complete Speeches V pp 5229-34.Notes for WSC's speech (22...
16 Feb 1933 - 07 Nov 1933
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons: speech notes and source material., 29 Jan 1934 - 23 Apr 1934
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/107A-B
Scope and Contents
Source material includes a government memorandum for the Disarmament Conference [Geneva, Switzerland].Brief notes for WSC's speech (7 February) against disarmament and on Britain's defence needs, which includes the phrase "We are vulnerable as we have never been before". Published: Complete Speeches V pp 5321-6.Notes for WSC's speech (6 March) on the army estimates and India. Also includes relevant extract from Hansard. Published: Complete Speeches V pp 5329-35.Notes for WSC's speech (8...
29 Jan 1934 - 23 Apr 1934
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons: speech notes and source material., 28 Jul 1936 - 10 Dec 1936
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/119A-B
Scope and Contents
Notes for WSC's speeches (28 and 29 July, Secret Defence Deputation to the Prime Minister [Stanley Baldwin]) on the relative strengths of the British and German air forces, the war making capacity of British and German industry, British air training facilities, and German power to bomb British cities.Notes for WSC's speech (5 November) on supporting the League of Nations, collective security, and policy towards Germany and Italy. Published: Complete Speeches VI pp 5800-4.Notes for WSC's...
28 Jul 1936 - 10 Dec 1936
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons: speech notes (some by WSC as First Lord of the Admiralty) and other material., 19 May 1939 - 06 Dec 1939
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/135A-B
Scope and Contents
Notes for an unused speech by WSC (prepared for 8 May) on conscription and the Military Training Bill.Notes for WSC's speech (19 May) on relations with the Soviet Union and Poland, and the effect of an agreement with the Soviet Union on relations with other European nations. Published: Complete Speeches VI pp 6117-23.Notes for WSC's speech (23 May) on his objections to the White Paper on Palestine, and the legacy of the Balfour declaration [supporting a Jewish national home in Palestine]....
19 May 1939 - 06 Dec 1939
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., 12 Nov 1946 - 12 Dec 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/10A-C
Scope and Contents
Speech notes and Hansard report of WSC's speech (12 November, House of Commons) entitled "The international scene" on subjects including: the cold war, the deterioration of relations with the Soviet Union and the strength of the Soviet army; support for the United Nations; the need to aid Germany but prevent rearmament; the Nuremberg trials and war crimes; Imperial Preference; affairs in countries including India, Egypt and the Suez canal, Palestine, National Service and the armed forces;...
12 Nov 1946 - 12 Dec 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., 31 Mar 1947 - 17 May 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/12A-E
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's speech (18 April, Albert Hall, London) to a meeting of the Primrose League entitled "Empire and Freedom" including: the diminishing British empire; Lord Randolph Churchill's role in founding the Primrose League; criticism of the spending of a loan from the United States; party politics and support for the United Nations. Also includes press cuttings about the speech and notes from Elizabeth Gilliatt [Secretary to WSC]. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp...
31 Mar 1947 - 17 May 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., 04 Feb 1950 - 09 Feb 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/31A-D
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's election address (4 February, Town Hall, Leeds [Yorkshire]) including: criticism of the Labour government's economic policy and manifesto; party politics and the numbers of candidates fielded by the Liberal Party; quotes by [Clement] Attlee [Prime Minister] on socialism; the rejection of socialism in Canada, Australia and New Zealand; nationalisation and its effect on the coal industry; the planned nationalisation of the steel industry; the continuation of rationing;...
04 Feb 1950 - 09 Feb 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes and other material., 19 May 1939 - 28 Jun 1939
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/137
Scope and Contents
Notes for WSC's speech (3 June, Woodford Wells and Wanstead [Essex]) on the Thetis submarine disaster, maintaining a strong policy against Germany, and Czech gold. Also includes cutting from the Walthamstow [Essex] Guardian reporting WSC's speech. Part published: Complete Speeches VI pp 6138-9.Notes for WSC's speech (19 May, Corn Exchange, Cambridge) entitled "The new army" on the Conscription Act and uniting against the Nazi and Fascist powers both domestically and internationally. Also...
19 May 1939 - 28 Jun 1939
Conditions Governing Access:
The Papers of Sir Winston Churchill
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR, CHUR and CHAQ
Scope and Contents
The papers consist of original documents accumulated by Sir Winston Churchill throughout his life (1874-1965). They have been divided into three sections: the Chartwell Papers (CHAR) and the Churchill Papers (CHUR), with some additional material (CHAQ). Together, the three sets of papers cover the following major areas:
Personal (CHAR 1, CHUR 1 and CHAQ 1/1 and 2/1), 1884-1965
The papers of Churchill as a private person. They include correspondence with or about his...
The majority of files date from the 1870s to 1965.
Conditions Governing Access:
The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers.
This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.
Found in:
Churchill Archives Centre
(Untitled), 10 Aug [1911]
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/53/21-22
Scope and Contents
Notes by WSC on conversations between the German Emperor [Kaiser Wilhelm II and Sir John French [later Lord French and Lord Ypres] in which the Emperor gave his views on: David Lloyd George's "provocative" speech at the Mansion House; the Agadir [Morocco] crisis; the "racial" nature of future great wars; the efficiency of the German army and the danger faced by any country which confronted it; the weakness of the French army; the hostility to Germany of the Daily Mail and the Times. Title in...
10 Aug [1911]
Conditions Governing Access:
From the File:
(Untitled), 18 Sep 1911
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/53/28
Scope and Contents
Letter from Lord Northcliffe [earlier Sir Alfred Harmsworth (Shire Donald Hotel, Newcastle, County Down, [Ulster, Ireland]) to WSC reporting that he has written to Printing House Square about the reporting of WSC's speeches [in Dundee, [Angus, Scotland]] and criticising the speeches of some of WSC's colleagues on the international situation because they betray a lack of awareness that Germany's army is unwieldy, bureaucratic and hidebound and that she really fears the French army. Asserts...
18 Sep 1911
Conditions Governing Access:
From the File:
Filtered By
- Subject: Germany X
Additional filters:
- Type
- Archival Object 102
- Collection 1
- Subject
- France 48
- Air warfare 43
- Western Europe 40
- Foreign policy 39
- Second World War (1939-1945) 39
- Armed forces 38
- Italy (nation) 31
- Military equipment 31
- Communism 25
- Russia (nation) 25
- United States (nation) 25
- Intelligence 23
- State security 23
- Civil defence 22
- Speeches 19
- Economic policy 16
- India (nation) 16
- Economic conditions 15
- Soviet Union 14
- Transport 14
- Colonialism 13
- Asia-Pacific War, 1941-1945 12
- Food 12
- Literature 12
- East West relations 10
- International tensions 10
- First World War (1914-1918) 9
- International cooperation 9
- Maritime transport 8
- Political patronage 7
- Dardanelles campaign (1915-1916) 6
- Egypt 6
- Ireland (nation) 6
- North Africa (general region) 6
- Nuclear warfare 6
- Operation Overlord (1944) 6
- United Kingdom (nation) 6
- War devastated countries 6
- Western Front (1914-1918) 6
- Agriculture 5
- Coal mining 5
- Labour relations 5
- Taxation 5
- Trade unions 5
- Broadcasting 4
- Chemical/biological warfare 4
- Elections 4
- Battle of the Atlantic (1939-1945) 3
- Cinema 3
- Free trade 3
- London 3
- Planning 3
- Police 3
- Postwar reconstruction 3
- Press 3
- Public health 3
- Social reform 3
- South Africa (nation) 3
- Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) 3
- Wales 3
- Women 3
- Awards 2
- Battle of Britain (1940) 2
- Civil aviation 2
- Crime 2
- Electoral systems 2
- Leisure time activities 2
- Penal sanctions 2
- Scotland 2
- Unemployment 2
- Abdication of Edward VIII 1
- Boer War (1899-1902) 1
- Canada (nation) 1
- Colonial countries 1
- Constitutional history 1
- Constitutional law 1
- Defence 1
- Diplomacy 1
- Education 1
- Fascism 1
- Gifts 1
- Government policy 1
- India 1
- Industrial development 1
- Industrial policy 1
- International relations 1
- Journalism 1
- Legislation 1
- Medical profession 1
- Medical treatment 1
- Military operations 1
- Monarchy 1
- Occupational diseases 1
- Painting 1
- Politics 1
- Railway transport 1
- Religion 1
- Roads 1
- Science 1 + ∧ less
∨ more