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Labour Party


Found in 13 Collections and/or Records:


Literary: News of the World articles by WSC: 5., Dec 1938

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/618
Scope and Contents Includes annotated proofs and cuttings from the News of the World for: "Memories of Parliament as a Novitiate Member" on the thrill of being an MP, features of the House of Commons, the gulf between the parties in the early years of the century, Joseph Chamberlain, the Free Trade debate, Charles Parnell and the flogging of soldiers; "On Making a Maiden Speech in the House" on the maiden speeches by F E Smith [later 1st Lord Birkenhead] and WSC, the effect of the Irish Nationalists and later,...
Dates: Dec 1938
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Political: Constituency: North West Manchester: Correspondence., May 1908 - Nov 1908

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 4/17
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: 1st Lord Wolverhampton, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster concerning the appointment of Manchester magistrates (1); E Crosfield Pearson on his enjoyment of working as WSC's election agent and the difficulties of finding a suitable candidate for Manchester (2); Sir Edward Donner inviting WSC to be President of the Liberal Federation (1); William Royle, Chairman of the Manchester Liberal Federation (2); Arthur Newman on patents (2); Herbert Gladstone, Home Secretary...
Dates: May 1908 - Nov 1908
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Political: Constituency: Oldham [Lancashire]: Correspondence., 03 Jan 1904 - 27 Mar 1904

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 3/7
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: James Travis Clegg [Chairman of the Oldham Conservative Association] (7); Samuel Smethurst [Vice Chairman of the Oldham Conservative Association, resigned 7 Jan 1904] (12); 9th Duke of Marlborough regarding his refusal to become an honorary member of the Oldham Conservative Club; James Maclean (2) regarding a Free Trade League meeting in Oldham. Subjects include: Churchill's relations with the local Conservative, Labour and Liberal Parties; his decision not to...
Dates: 03 Jan 1904 - 27 Mar 1904
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Proofs., 05 Apr 1906 - 23 May 1909

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/21
Scope and Contents Proof copy (2nd revise) of volume of speeches by WSC on "The Record of the Government" and "Social Organisation", with extensive manuscript annotations by WSC, containing:.Speech by WSC (5 April 1906, House of Commons) entitled "The Conciliation of South Africa". Published: Complete Speeches I, pp 607 - 14.Speech by WSC (31 July 1906, House of Commons), entitled "The Transvaal [South Africa] Consitution". Published: Complete Speeches I, pp 647 - 62.Speech by WSC (17 December, House of...
Dates: 05 Apr 1906 - 23 May 1909
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Proofs., 05 Apr 1906 - 09 Oct 1909

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/22
Scope and Contents Proof copy (3rd revise) of volume of speeches by WSC on "The Record of the Government" and "Social Organisation" and "The Budget", with extensive manuscript annotations by WSC, containing:.Speech by WSC (5 April 1906, House of Commons) entitled "The Conciliation of South Africa". Published: Complete Speeches I, pp 607 - 14.Speech by WSC (31 July 1906, House of Commons), entitled "The Transvaal [South Africa] Consitution". Published: Complete Speeches I, pp 647 - 62.Speech by WSC (17...
Dates: 05 Apr 1906 - 09 Oct 1909
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non House of Commons: Press cuttings, speech notes and typescript., 11 Mar 1924 - 27 Jun 1924

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/69
Scope and Contents Speech notes for WSC's election address (March, Abbey Division, Westminster, London) on the threat of a Socialist Government, the party system and WSC's own position, standing against the official Conservative candidate, Otho Nicholson. Also includes a press cutting reporting the speech.Speech notes for WSC's election address (11 March, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London) on the need for stable government and the harmful results of the party system and frequent changes of Government,...
Dates: 11 Mar 1924 - 27 Jun 1924
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, source material, typescript and press cuttings., 04 May 1923 - 03 Nov 1924

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/70A-B
Scope and Contents Speech notes for WSC's speech (2 July 1924, Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Centenary dinner, Hotel Cecil, London). Source material includes notes on the founding of the service, modern lifeboats, typical rescues and funding. Published: Complete Speeches IV p 3463 (part).Speech notes for WSC's speech (17 July 1924, Association of Advertising Clubs of the World Convention, Wembley, London), on the cause of depression in trade and consumption, and the need for advertising to strengthen...
Dates: 04 May 1923 - 03 Nov 1924
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, typescript and press cuttings., 19 Feb 1930 - 25 Dec 1930

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/91A-B
Scope and Contents Speech notes for WSC's speech (19 February, 1900 Club) on the failure of the Labour Government, a 3 party General Election, the Labour and Liberal alliance, Conservative proposals for protective food taxation and agriculture.Typescript for WSC's speech (26 March, Harlow, Essex), entitled "The Economic Situation" on Conservative proposals for protective food taxation, the Labour and Liberal alliance, the next Labour Budget and agricultural policy. Also includes a note (1934) from Violet...
Dates: 19 Feb 1930 - 25 Dec 1930
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), 13 Dec 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/30/92-95
Scope and Contents Letter from Walter Runciman [later Lord Runciman] (West Denton Hall, Scotswood-on-Tyne, [Northumberland]) to WSC on: disruption by suffragettes of speeches by cabinet ministers; the Tories' split over Tariff Reform; the industrious campaigning of Richard Haldane [later Lord Haldane]; reaction to Haldane's army estimates and 2nd Lord Tweedmouth's naval estimates; the introduction of old age pensions and Labour Party criticism of them; the prospect of the miners' group adhering to the Labour...
Dates: 13 Dec 1907
Conditions Governing Access: From the File: Open

(Untitled), 19 Jan 1924

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/132/21
Scope and Contents

Letter from Sir Alfred Goodson (Waddeton Court, Brixham, Devon) to WSC opposing the policy of Herbert Asquith [later 1st Lord Oxford and Asquith] and David Lloyd George of supporting the Labour party, arguing that the Liberals' success in the recent general election was due to their support for Free Trade and their opposition to Socialism, and assuring WSC of support if he takes a lead in this matter.

Dates: 19 Jan 1924
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

(Untitled), 06 Mar 1930

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/173/70-88
Scope and Contents

"Hints for speakers" on "Socialists and safeguarding". Issued by the Conservative and Unionist Central Office.

Dates: 06 Mar 1930
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

(Untitled), 16 Jan 1930

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/173/102-132
Scope and Contents

"Hints for speakers" on "Socialists and Safeguarding". Issued by the Conservative and Unionist Central Office.

Dates: 16 Jan 1930
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

(Untitled), 17 Feb 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/141/45
Scope and Contents

Letter from J A Beamont, (245 Battersea Park Road, [London]) to the editor of the "Daily Express" welcoming the Labour Party's adoption of Protection, which he sees as a vindication of his long campaign in Battersea, and arguing that Free Trade is unsuited to the new economic situation in which Britain is "no longer the workshop of the world" and her industries need to be safeguarded. Copy sent with CHAR 2/141/44.

Dates: 17 Feb 1925
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.