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Colonial Office


Found in 16 Collections and/or Records:


Official: Colonial Office: correspondence., 02 Jun 1907 - 30 Jun 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/26
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: 9th Lord Elgin and Kincardine [Secretary of State for the Colonies] on a variety of subjects and WSC's methods of annotating minutes and drafting despatches (5); James Ramsay Macdonald on the miners' strike in the Transvaal [South Africa]; Colonel Sir Percy Girouard, High Commissioner [of Protectorate of Northern Nigeria] on railways and administration; 4th Lord Onslow on a Colonel Harding; Sir Robert Bond [Premier and Colonial Secretary, Newfoundland, Canada] on...
Dates: 02 Jun 1907 - 30 Jun 1907
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence., 03 Jul 1907 - Dec 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/27
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson [Governor and Commander in Chief, Cape Colony, South Africa] (3); Sir Charles Dilke; Sir Graham Bower [Colonial Secretary of Mauritius] seeking promotion; Sir Walter Egerton [Governor of Southern Nigeria], James Hutton, Chairman of the British Cotton Growing Association (2), and Sir Alfred Jones on the construction of the north Nigeria railway and WSC's support for cotton growers; 3rd Lord Hindlip on land prices in Mombasa [British East...
Dates: 03 Jul 1907 - Dec 1907
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence., 01 Jan 1908 - 05 Dec 1908

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/53
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson [Governor and Commander in Chief, Cape Colony, South Africa] (2) on subjects including the Cape elections; Lieutenant-Colonel James Sadler [Governor, British East Africa Protectorate, later Kenya] (4); 2nd Lord Selborne [Governor of the Transvaal and High Commissioner for South Africa]; 9th Lord Elgin and Kincardine [Secretary of State for the Colonies] (2) on subjects including criticising "entrenched officials"; 1st Lord Knollys [Private...
Dates: 01 Jan 1908 - 05 Dec 1908
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 01 Mar 1921 - 13 Apr 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/3
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: 1st Lord Stamfordham [earlier Sir Arthur Bigge]; Leo Amery, Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Colonies, on subjects including Prince Djemil Toussoun, the Colonial Office estimates and the Imperial Cabinet (2); 3rd Lord Stradbroke [earlier George Rous] on his position as Governor of Victoria [Australia]; Edwin Montagu [Secretary of State for India] on India office expenses, the transfer of the administration of Aden [South Yemen, later part of Yemen] and his...
Dates: 01 Mar 1921 - 13 Apr 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 01 May 1921 - 31 May 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/5
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Francis Newdegate [Governor of Western Australia] on gold prospecting in Perth and anti-British sentiment among Roman Catholics over Ireland (3); Austen Chamberlain [Chancellor of the Exchequer]; Prince Arthur of Connaught [Governor General and Commander in Chief South Africa] on the garrisoning of the Cape peninsula and loyalty to British rule (2); General Sir Aylmer Haldane, Commander in Chief Mesopotamia [Iraq] on affairs in the country including the...
Dates: 01 May 1921 - 31 May 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 02 Aug 1921 - 29 Aug 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/8
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Herbert Samuel [High Commissioner in Palestine] on the civil administration in Palestine and the military troops (2); Sir Laming Worthington-Evans [Secretary of State for War] on the reduction of British troops in Mesopotamia [Iraq]; Edwin Montagu [Secretary of State for India] on the unequal status of Indians in South Africa and in Kenya (6); Leo Amery [Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Colonies] on subjects including recommendations for homours; General Sir...
Dates: 02 Aug 1921 - 29 Aug 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 22 Sep 1921 - 30 Sep 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/9
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: [3rd Lord] Stradbroke [earlier George Rous] Governor of Victoria [Australia] on honours for Dominion ministers; 1st Stamfordham [earlier Arthur Bigge] on subjects including King George V's decision to continue the ANZAC day message and the bodyguards of Empress Marie of Russia (4); Sir Reginald Wingate on the administration of East Africa and on his position in Egypt (2); 1st Lord Jellicoe [Governor General and Commander in Chief, New Zealand] on administration of...
Dates: 22 Sep 1921 - 30 Sep 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 05 Mar 1922 - 30 Apr 1922

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/23
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Brigadier-General Sir Frederick Guggisberg, Governor and Commander in Chief, Gold Coast [Ghana]; Archibald Sinclair [later 1st Lord Thurso, Private Secretary to WSC, Secretary of State for the Colonies]; 1st Lord Forster, Governor General and Commander in Chief, Australia, on the position of Sir Francis Newdegate [Governor of Western Australia]; Newdegate on the importance of the position of Governor to preserve British interests and on the expense of maintaining the...
Dates: 05 Mar 1922 - 30 Apr 1922
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 03 May 1922 - 28 Jun 1922

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/24
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Francis Newdegate [Governor of Western Australia] and 1st Lord Forster, Governor General and Commander in Chief, Australia on the financial difficulties of maintaining their positions; Prince Arthur of Connaught [Governor General and Commander in Chief South Africa] on South African affairs, criticism of the peerage given to Sir J B Robinson and the position of Rhodesia [later Zimbabwe and Zambia]; [General Jan] Smuts [Prime Minister of South Africa] on complaints...
Dates: 03 May 1922 - 28 Jun 1922
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence (mainly on affairs in Mesopotamia, Iraq)., 08 Jan 1921 - 28 Feb 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/2
Scope and Contents Correspondents on affairs in Mesopotamia include: Edwin Montagu [Secretary of State for India] (2); [1st Lord] Curzon of Kedleston, Lord President of the Council, on affairs in Palestine, his faith in Feisal and negotiations with France over Syria (5); T E Lawrence ["Lawrence of Arabia" later T E Shaw] on Feisal's claims and his agreement to abandon Syria (1); Sir Alfred Hirtzel [Deputy Under Secretary, India Office] on expenditure and the influence of the High Commissioner, Sir Percy Cox...
Dates: 08 Jan 1921 - 28 Feb 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, mainly on South African affairs., 01 Feb 1906 - 28 Feb 1906

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/8
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Henry Massingham (2); Herbert Asquith [later 1st Lord Oxford and Asquith, Chancellor of the Exchequer]; Sir John Walton [Attorney-General]; Sir Leander Jameson [Premier, Cape Colony, South Africa] on the Lisbon Railway agreement; Leo Amery, of the Times; George Wyndham MP giving advice on WSC's career as a minister; Joseph Chamberlain (2) and Henry Labouchere MP (2) on WSC finding work for an acquaintance; William Stead, Editor of the Review of Reviews, on WSC meeting...
Dates: 01 Feb 1906 - 28 Feb 1906
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, mainly on South African affairs., 01 Dec 1906 - 31 Dec 1906

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/18
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Leander Jameson [Premier, Cape Colony, South Africa] through Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson [Governor and Commander in Chief, Cape Colony] on German refugees in the Cape (3); James Kier Hardie on the ?Hansas Line in Nigeria; Sir Frederick Lugard [High Commissioner and Commander in Chief of Northern Nigeria]; Joseph Robinson; James Ramsay Macdonald on the representation of Australian states at the colonial conference; Austen Chamberlain on a constituent's complaint...
Dates: 01 Dec 1906 - 31 Dec 1906
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, much on South African affairs., 01 Nov 1906 - 30 Nov 1906

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/17
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Charles Eliot asking to be considered as successor to Sir Frederick Lugard as [High Commissioner and Commander in Chief of Northern Nigeria]; 9th Lord Elgin and Kincardine [Secretary of State for the Colonies] (3) on subjects including honours in Natal [South Africa], WSC's comments on departmental minutes and Colonel Sir Percy Girouard; Mackenzie King [Deputy Minister of Labour, Canada] sending a memorandum on strike breakers being brought into Canada from Great...
Dates: 01 Nov 1906 - 30 Nov 1906
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, much on South African affairs., 02 Jan 1907 - 31 Jan 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/21
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: 9th Lord Elgin and Kincardine [Secretary of State for the Colonies] (10) on subjects including a difference of opinion between Elgin and WSC over the case of a suspended guard on the Ceylon [later Sri Lanka] railway (2); Sir Edward Grey [Foreign Secretary] on the Uganda railway; Hugh Bertram (Colonial Office) on Newfoundland [Canada] fisheries; Lieutenant-Colonel James Sadler [Governor, British East Africa Protectorate, later Kenya] on railway construction; the Bishop...
Dates: 02 Jan 1907 - 31 Jan 1907
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, much on South African affairs., 02 May 1907 - 29 May 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/25
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Louis Botha [Premier of Transvaal, South Africa] (3) on subjects including his stay in London; Salvatore Zammit on Maltese affairs; Josiah Wedgwood MP and ?Charles Strachey on taxation in northern Nigeria; 4th Lord Grey [Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada] on subjects including Canadian affairs; Francis Hopwood [later 1st Lord Southborough, Permanent Under-Secretary for the Colonies] (4); Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson [Governor and Commander in Chief, Cape...
Dates: 02 May 1907 - 29 May 1907
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: South and East Africa: correspondence., 04 Dec 1905 - 29 Dec 1905

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/5
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Moses Gaster, Chief Rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese Jew's Congregation, on obtaining land in the British Empire for a Jewish settlement; Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson [Governor and Commander in Chief, Cape Colony, later part of South Africa] on affairs in South Africa; Edward Peacock, Manager of the Morning Post; John Atkins; Edward Marsh [Private Secretary at the Colonial Office] on army finances in Sierra Leone; Herbert Samuel [Parliamentary Under-Secretary of...
Dates: 04 Dec 1905 - 29 Dec 1905
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

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  • Subject: Political patronage X

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Constitutional law 4
Railway transport 4
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