Colonial Office
Found in 16 Collections and/or Records:
Correspondence A - L, 1926-12 - 1927-12
Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 2/1/13
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Edward Grigg [Governor of Kenya, later 1st Lord Altrincham] on his visit home, settling a question of port handling in Kenya, and his health; Reginald Leigh [Assistant Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary] on LSA's invitation to join the Academie Diplomatique Internationale; 1st Lord Athlone [Governor-General of South Africa] on the good effect of LSA's visit to South Africa and reaching a compromise with [?] Senator Nicolas de Wet (2); Sir Robert...
1926-12 - 1927-12
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Fonds:
The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.
Correspondence A - Z, 1925-01 - 1925-12
Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 2/1/10
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Edward Grigg [later 1st Lord Altrincham], on taking up his position as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Kenya, a vote on his salary and his work as Secretary to the Rhodes Trustees (2); Sir Kenneth Anderson; Sir Abe Bailey, supporting LSA's position on Iraq; Stanley Baldwin, Prime Minister; Sir Otto Beit on appointing Grigg's successor as Secretary to the Rhodes Trustees (2); Gertrude Bell [Oriental Secretary to the High Commissioner for Iraq, Sir Henry Dobbs]...
1925-01 - 1925-12
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Fonds:
The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.
Malta, 1919-09 - 1924-03
Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/3/59
Scope and Contents
Colonial Office correspondence and memoranda on Malta, with correspondents including: Sir Gerald Strickland [Member of Malta Legislative Assembly] on circulating Empire news to counter propaganda, the new constitution, the influence of Italy, the use of English in Malta and the behaviour of ministers in Parliament (8); Edward Wood [Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Colonies, later 1st Lord Irwin and 1st Lord Halifax]; 1st Lord Plumer, Governor of Malta, on subjects including the Malta...
1919-09 - 1924-03
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Fonds:
The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.
Official: Colonial Office: Cabinet Papers., 23 Jan 1921 - 29 Dec 1921
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/13A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Maurice Hankey (6); David Lloyd George, Prime Minister; Austen Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer (2) and Edwin Montagu [Secretary of State for India] objecting to the use of Indian troops in the garrison of Palestine.Cabinet papers on subjects including: affairs in the Middle East, Egypt, South Khurdistan, Mesopotamia [Iraq] and Palestine; mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine; the 1921 Imperial Conference; the 1921 Middle East Conference; the empire...
23 Jan 1921 - 29 Dec 1921
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: Colonial Conference 1907: printed papers., 1906 - 1907
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/28
Scope and Contents
Includes papers on the representation of Australian states; the function of the Committee of Imperial Defence; the "Strategical conditions of the Empire from the military point of view"; the possibility of assimilating war organisation throughout the Empire; patterns and provisions of equipment and stores for colonial forces; desirability that the Colonial Governments should give their orders for ordinance stores through the War Office; naval defence; statement of the military and naval...
1906 - 1907
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: Colonial Conference: Colonial preference: notes and printed papers., 1907
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/30
Scope and Contents
Includes notes on Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Prime Minister of Canada; statements and reports of House of Commons business; Colonial Office, Board of Trade and Foreign Office notes and printed papers (including by 9th Lord Elgin and Kincardine [Secretary of State for the Colonies] and WSC); Commonwealth of Australia papers; resolutions of the Australian, Cape Colony [South Africa], and New Zealand governments for the conference; details of decisions of previous conferences; WSC's hand-written...
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: Colonial Conference: printed minutes of proceedings., Apr 1907 - May 1907
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/29
Scope and Contents
Subjects covered by the minutes include the constitution of the conference; the organisation of the Colonial Office; colonial representation on the Committee of Imperial Defence; military defence; naval defence; emigration; naturalisation; double income tax; silver coinage; decimal currency and metric system; imperial court of appeal; preferential trade; imperial surtax on foreign imports; coastwise trade; commercial treaties; trade marks and patents; trade statistics; company law; admitting...
Apr 1907 - May 1907
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 01 Mar 1921 - 13 Apr 1921
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/3
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: 1st Lord Stamfordham [earlier Sir Arthur Bigge]; Leo Amery, Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Colonies, on subjects including Prince Djemil Toussoun, the Colonial Office estimates and the Imperial Cabinet (2); 3rd Lord Stradbroke [earlier George Rous] on his position as Governor of Victoria [Australia]; Edwin Montagu [Secretary of State for India] on India office expenses, the transfer of the administration of Aden [South Yemen, later part of Yemen] and his...
01 Mar 1921 - 13 Apr 1921
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 06 Jun 1921 - 30 Jul 1921
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/7
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Herbert Samuel [High Commissioner in Palestine] on the sentiments of the Jews and difficulties in Palestine (2); Sir Laming Worthington-Evans [Secretary of State for War] on expenditure on British troops in Transjordan [later Jordan]; Sir Lawrence Guillemard [Governor of Straits Settlements (later Singapore and part of Malaysia) and High Commissioner for the Malay States, later part of Malaysia]; Stanley Baldwin [President of the Board of Trade] on payments to...
06 Jun 1921 - 30 Jul 1921
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 02 Aug 1921 - 29 Aug 1921
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/8
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Herbert Samuel [High Commissioner in Palestine] on the civil administration in Palestine and the military troops (2); Sir Laming Worthington-Evans [Secretary of State for War] on the reduction of British troops in Mesopotamia [Iraq]; Edwin Montagu [Secretary of State for India] on the unequal status of Indians in South Africa and in Kenya (6); Leo Amery [Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Colonies] on subjects including recommendations for homours; General Sir...
02 Aug 1921 - 29 Aug 1921
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 01 Nov 1921 - 29 Dec 1921
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/11
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Herbert Samuel, High Commissioner in Palestine on the cost of maintaining military forces in Palestine and the achievements of T E Lawrence [later T E Shaw "Lawrence of Arabia"] (3); Lord Plumer, Governor of Malta; Sir Maurice Hankey on the appointment of governors (2); Sir Francis Newdegate [Governor of Western Australia] on finances (5); Prince Arthur of Connaught [Governor General and Commander in Chief South Africa] on responsible government and Rhodesia [later...
01 Nov 1921 - 29 Dec 1921
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 05 Mar 1922 - 30 Apr 1922
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/23
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Brigadier-General Sir Frederick Guggisberg, Governor and Commander in Chief, Gold Coast [Ghana]; Archibald Sinclair [later 1st Lord Thurso, Private Secretary to WSC, Secretary of State for the Colonies]; 1st Lord Forster, Governor General and Commander in Chief, Australia, on the position of Sir Francis Newdegate [Governor of Western Australia]; Newdegate on the importance of the position of Governor to preserve British interests and on the expense of maintaining the...
05 Mar 1922 - 30 Apr 1922
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: Correspondence., 03 May 1922 - 28 Jun 1922
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/24
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Francis Newdegate [Governor of Western Australia] and 1st Lord Forster, Governor General and Commander in Chief, Australia on the financial difficulties of maintaining their positions; Prince Arthur of Connaught [Governor General and Commander in Chief South Africa] on South African affairs, criticism of the peerage given to Sir J B Robinson and the position of Rhodesia [later Zimbabwe and Zambia]; [General Jan] Smuts [Prime Minister of South Africa] on complaints...
03 May 1922 - 28 Jun 1922
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, mainly on South African affairs., 01 Dec 1906 - 31 Dec 1906
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/18
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Leander Jameson [Premier, Cape Colony, South Africa] through Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson [Governor and Commander in Chief, Cape Colony] on German refugees in the Cape (3); James Kier Hardie on the ?Hansas Line in Nigeria; Sir Frederick Lugard [High Commissioner and Commander in Chief of Northern Nigeria]; Joseph Robinson; James Ramsay Macdonald on the representation of Australian states at the colonial conference; Austen Chamberlain on a constituent's complaint...
01 Dec 1906 - 31 Dec 1906
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, much on South African affairs., 01 Feb 1907 - 28 Feb 1907
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/22
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: 9th Lord Elgin and Kincardine [Secretary of State for the Colonies] (2); Sir George Murray [Permanent Secretary to the Treasury] on a taxation scheme suggested by Alfred Lyttelton; John Seely [later 1st Lord Mottistone] objecting to his name being appended to a joint letter organised by Frederic Mackarness MP; Major Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams [Lieutenant-Governor Orange River Colony, later Orange Free State, South Africa] on Orange River Colony affairs; Francis Hopwood...
01 Feb 1907 - 28 Feb 1907
Conditions Governing Access:
Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, much on South African affairs., 01 Mar 1907 - 30 Mar 1907
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/23
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Thomas Ratcliffe (3) on subjects including offering to campaign against WSC at North West Manchester; Colonel Sir Howard Melliss; John Norton-Griffiths; Frank Smith, Director of Agriculture for the Transvaal [South Africa]; James Ramsay Macdonald (3) on subjects including Ratcliffe; Sir Edward Grey [Foreign Secretary]; 2nd Lord Selborne [Governor of the Transvaal and High Commissioner for South Africa] (3); Sir Richard Solomon [Attorney-General of the Transvaal];...
01 Mar 1907 - 30 Mar 1907
Conditions Governing Access:
Additional filters:
- Subject
- South Africa (nation) 9
- Political patronage 6
- Economic conditions 4
- Colonial countries 3
- Economic policy 3
- Foreign policy 3
- Free trade 3
- Law 3
- New Zealand (nation) 3
- Taxation 3
- Canada (nation) 2
- Constitutional law 2
- Egypt 2
- Iraq 2
- Railway transport 2
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- Ireland (nation) 1
- Labour relations 1
- Malaysia 1
- Malta 1
- Military equipment 1
- Monarchy 1
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- South Africa 1
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