Conservative Party
Found in 923 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 27 May 1924
Letter from Sir John Lister Kaye (Guards Club, Brook Street, London) to WSC approving his letter to the "Weekly Despatch" on the need for Liberals and Conservatives to unite against Socialism and stressing the need to prevent the nationalisation of the coal industry and the introduction of a large publicly funded housebuilding programme.
(Untitled), 30 Aug 1924
Letter from [WSC] to Captain W G Bonaparte Wyse (Oxford Lodge, Shoreham, Sussex) stating that in the by-election for the Abbey Division of Westminster he expressed his agreement with the policy set out in the late Government's King's Speech but denying Bonaparte Wyse's assumption that he is anxious to re-enter the councils of the Conservative party. Carbon copy.
(Untitled), 25 Aug 1924
Letter from Captain W G BonaparteWyse, honorary treasurer of the Shoreham branch of the Horsham and Worthing Conservative and Constitutional Association (Oxford Lodge, Shoreham, Sussex) to WSC asking whether he will declare [at the forthcoming meeting in Edinburgh] his unconditional support for the policy of the Conservative party as set out in the King's Speech of the previous February.
(Untitled), 08 Jul 1935
(Untitled), 26 Aug 1935
(Untitled), 29 Aug 1935
(Untitled), 21 Nov 1924
Letter from [Clarice Fisher] to the secretary of the National Liberal Club informing him that as WSC has accepted office in a Conservative government he feels it his duty to resign from the Club. Carbon typescript copy.
(Untitled), Oct 1924
Speech by Lieutenant-Colonel P B Bramley attacking Socialism, Communism and Bolshevism and recommending support for the Conservatives. Delivered during the general election at Luton [Bedfordshire], Chelmsford [Essex], Grimsby and Scunthorpe [both Lincolnshire].
(Untitled), 16 Dec 1924
Letter from Edward Spears (Little College Street, Westminster, [London]) to WSC reporting that he has had a satisfactory interview with F Stanley Jackson, who has advised him about when to make his declaration in favour of the Conservatives, and thanking WSC for his help in clearing up the misunderstanding.
(Untitled), 31 Dec 1924
(Untitled), 03 Jan 1924
(Untitled), 20 Jan 1924
Letter from Albert G Cooke, honorary secretary of the Kidderminster St Mary's Ward Conservative Committee (2 Baxter Avenue, Kidderminster, [Worcestershire]) to WSC urging him and 1st Lord Birkenhead [earlier F E Smith] to join a Conservative government under Stanley Baldwin [later Lord Baldwin].
(Untitled), 25 Jul 1932
Letter from Sir Louis Stuart, secretary of the Indian Empire Society (28 Alfred Place, [London]) to WSC enclosing and summarising CHAR 2/189/100 and asking him on behalf of 1st Lord Sydenham [earlier Sir George Clarke] how best to meet this "attempt to dragoon the Conservative Party" over India.
(Untitled), 23 Sep 1932
Letter from Sir Alfred Knox (Binfield House, Binfield, Berkshire) to WSC on the resolutions on India to be moved at the Conservative Party conference in Blackpool [Lancashire].
(Untitled), 14 Sep 1933
Statement by WSC to the "Daily Mail" confirming that he will attend the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham and will speak if he thinks he can do any good. Carbon copy at CHAR 2/191/16.
(Untitled), 14 Sep 1933
Carbon copy of CHAR 2/191/15.
(Untitled), 02 Jan 1933
Letter from 1st Lord Sydenham [earlier Sir George Clarke] (101 Onslow Square, [London]) to WSC deploring the statement in the House of Commons by [the Secretary of State for India, Sir Samuel Hoare, later Lord Templewood] about the fixing of a date for the introduction of the India Bill.
(Untitled), 07 Jan 1933
Letter from [WSC] to 1st Lord Sydenham, earlier Sir George Clarke] thanking him for sending a copy of the "extraordinary and discreditable" statement in the House of Commons by the Secretary of State for India ,[Sir Samuel Hoare, later Lord Templewood, about fixing a date for the introduction of the India Bill], deploring the fact that Conservative Party will now vote for any bad measure about India and predicting a battle on the issue in the coming year. Carbon typescript copy.
(Untitled), 24 Feb 1933
Letter from Sir Alfred Knox (13 South Street, [London]) to WSC asking to discuss tactics on the motions on India at the Conservative Council.
(Untitled), 09 Mar 1933
(Untitled), 15 Mar 1933
Letter from [WSC] to Ellen Stutely [chairman of the women's section of the South Chingford Conservative and Unionist Association] advising that she should make her seconding of the Conservative conference resolution approving government policy conditional on the addition of a sentence hoping that imperial authority in the central government of India will not be abdicated. Carbon typescript copy.
(Untitled), 15 Mar 1933
Letter from John Gretton [later 1st Lord Gretton] (35 Belgrave Square, [London]) to WSC on the tactics they should adopt in moving their amendment to the motion setting up the Joint Select Committee on India.
(Untitled), 15 Mar 1933
Letter from [WSC] to 7th Lord Londonderry reporting that Admiral Sir Reginald Custance agrees with him on the tactical methods of air defence, praising Sir Philip Sassoon's speech [on the air estimates] and attacking Londonderry's speech on India as damaging to the Conservative Party. Carbon typescript copy.
(Untitled), 18 Feb 1933
Lette from Lord Carson [earlier Sir Edward Carson] (5 Eaton Place, [London]) to WSC praising the passages on India and Ireland in WSC's speech [at the 25th anniversary meeting of the Anti-Socialist and Anti-Communist Union] and asserting that "the Conservative party are duped over India".
(Untitled), 24 Mar 1933
Letter from Mrs E M Goult, honorary secretary of the Rayleigh Independent Conservative Association (Central Chambers, High Street, Rayleigh, Essex) to WSC conveying resolutions of her committee that official Conservative Party should no longer be supported in view of the Indian policy of the National Government and that Sir Henry Page Croft and his India Defence Group should form an Independent Conservative Party to fight the next election.